The International Data Week 2022 hosts and organisers are excited to share details of the event programme on 20 June. We hope you will be joining us at the conference onsite in Seoul or online.
Colleagues onsite are kindly reminded that the conference is organised in the Soul Dragon City conference venue and that you will find the registration desk at the 5th floor, in front of Baekdu conference rooms.
The first day of the conference will start at 09:30 KST (02:30 UTC) with an Opening Plenary session in which the attendees will be welcomed by prominent representatives of South Korea, namely by the Mayor of Seoul, National Assembly representatives as well as by the local hosts and the three convening organisations. You may also look forward to a Korean traditional ballet performance, so do not miss out. Even non-registered colleagues are invited to watch the Opening Plenary on KISTI’s Youtube channel.
The plenary will be followed by SciDataCon Parallels Sessions Block #1:
- WorldFAIR – Global cooperation on FAIR data policy and practice
- Interoperable Units of Measurement: International Developments
- Data Management Plan Assessments and Evaluations: Implications and Recommendations Lessons Learned
- Supporting Research Transparency, Accountability, and Reproducibility: Lessons from the Trenches
- Exploring National and International Education and Training Activities in Data Science and Data Stewardship
The second half of the day will launch at 14:00 KST (05:00 UTC) with a panel discussion “Data to Improve Our World: The Role of Data to Address Global Challenges” exploring a range of challenges including climate change and catastrophic weather events, a global pandemic, and the need to sustainably tackle development through initiatives such as the 2030 Agenda. The session will examine:
- The importance in having quality, open data in addressing these challenges
- The extent to which data is being used effectively and appropriately in solution generation
- The importance of data from multiple disciplines and the ability to do cross disciplinary analysis
- How data and data infrastructures could be improved to better address challenges
- The role of data in predicting and addressing future emerging global issues
- The role and impact of data in policy making OR influencing policy OR the policy frameworks that are needed
Then look forward to RDA Breakouts #1:
- The usage of digital twins in healthcare for personalised care
- BoF Leveraging Data community strengths and High Performance Computing opportunities
- Developing a ‘how-to’ guide for National PID Strategies
- Privacy Ensured Research: Data Sharing and Reuse
- Open Science Graphs interoperability: data models and data exchange protocol
- How Open Science activities are perceived and recognised in Research and the Research career
- Professionalising Data Stewardship | Global Updates and RDA PDS Effort Planning
- Joint Session: Beyond machine-actionable DMPs – let’s go forward together!
- BoF Evaluation of Research
Onsite attendees would be interested in the Poster exhibition organised in the foyer of Baekdu conference rooms followed by a Welcome reception.
Online attendees do not need to despair if a session time does not work well for your location. All sessions will be recorded. The recordings will be made available to the conference attendees within 48 hours and can be accessed on Whova for 8 weeks.
Explore details and exact location of the parallel sessions on the Whova agenda