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General Assembly

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At least once every two years, the CODATA President convenes a General Assembly to review progress and plan for the future.

Participants include CODATA Officers, Executive Committee members, delegates from national and ISC Union members, task and working group representatives, and spokespersons for other CODATA activities.  Observers may be invited, for example, from ISC and its bodies or from potential new member countries and organisations.

In addition to overseeing the general governance of CODATA, and receiving financial and secretariat reports, the General Assembly provides a forum for national, union, and task group representatives report on their data-related activities and requirements. Other activities include review of membership applications, voting for Officers and Executive Committee members, conference planning, and selection of task groups.  Members also participate in strategic planning and direct the Executive Committee to achieve specific objectives.

CODATA 2025 General Assembly

CODATA 2023 General Assembly

CODATA 2021 General Assembly

CODATA Virtual General Assembly December 2020

CODATA Virtual General Assembly June 2020

CODATA 2018 General Assembly

CODATA 2018 Elections

CODATA 2016 General Assembly

CODATA 2016 Elections

CODATA 2014 General Assembly

CODATA 2014 Elections