RECEIVE RECOGNITION FROM THE INTERNATIONAL DATA COMMUNITY; become an organisational sponsor of the International FAIR Symposium
The International FAIR Convergence Symposium will be organised by CODATA and GO FAIR on 22-23 October 2020 in Paris. The event will provide a unique forum for advancing international and cross-domain convergence around FAIR. The two internationally recognised organisations will convene a global community with an interest in combining data across domains for a host of research issues – including major global challenges, such as those relating to the SDGs or the COVID-19 pandemic.
As travel restrictions are likely to stay in place for some time, part of the international data community may not be able to participate in person. The support received will be used to provide an exemplar of how a mixed physical and virtual event can deliver a compelling experience and a significant legacy.
Sponsorship is available at the levels outlined below:
Platinum: 10.000 EUR or more |
Gold: 6.000 EUR |
- Conference signage featured throughout facility
- Visibility in the virtual meeting rooms
- Exclusive short statement at plenary sessions.
- Dedicated interview in post-conference communication
- Prominence in the post-conference science communication.
- Logo featured on badges OR lanyards OR conference bag
- Listing on
- Ten dedicated social media mentions
- Promotion in pre-event communications
- Opportunity to leave literature in designated areas
- Featured poster location during poster session (also virtually)
- Conference signage featured throughout facility
- Visibility in the virtual meeting rooms
- Prominence in the post-conference science communication.
- Recognition at plenary sessions
- Logo featured on badges OR lanyards OR conference bag
- Listing on
- Five dedicated social media mentions
- Promotion in pre-event communications
- Opportunity to leave literature in designated areas
- Featured poster location during poster session (also virtually)
Silver: 3.000 EUR |
Bronze: 1.000 EUR |
Acknowledgement at conference (e-)reception
Visibility in the virtual meeting rooms
Listing on
Two dedicated social media mentions
Promotion in pre-event communications
Opportunity to leave literature in designated areas
Featured poster location during poster session (also virtually)
Custom Packages
Packages relating to (e-)reception, support of the symposium virtualisation, documentation of the symposium outputs to ensure the event legacy are also available for negotiation; please contact us for more information.