This week, our Executive Director, Simon Hodson has been involved in a number of important meetings and workshops, hosted by the European Commission in Brussels.
1) On Mon 27 March, He chaired the Horizon 2020 Expert Group on FAIR Research Data, which
is tasked with preparing recommendations and indicators for implementing FAIR research data. The report and recommendations will address cultural and technical issues in order to provide concrete guidance for making FAIR research data a reality.
2) Tue 28 – Weds 29 March saw the second workshop of the OECD GSF and CODATA Project on Business Models for Sustainable Research Data Repositories, a project for which he is co-
chair. The objectives of the workshop were to:
– review and critique an economic analysis of various current and emerging business models and potential revenue sources for data repositories;
– obtain stakeholder input on the viability of these business models, by examining various dimensions, including the alignment of business models with stakeholder and beneficiaries’ willingness to pay and budgetary authority; and
– review and contribute to policy recommendations to national science policy makers to promote the sustainability of data resources.
Participants considered a substantial draft report. After further iterations and review through OECD processes the report will be published by the end of 2017.
3) Finally, on Thu 30 – Fri 31 March, He is participating in the parallel OECD GSF and WDS Project Workshop on International Coordination of Data Infrastructures.