UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Climate Change and Displacement Climate change and natural disasters can add to and worsen the threats that force people to flee across international borders. The interplay between climate, conflict, poverty and persecution greatly increases the complexity of refugee emergencies.
Victoria, Australia – National Climate Change and Agriculture Plan Agreed Australian ministers met in Melbourne at the Agricultural Ministers’ Forum to endorse a Victorian-led program that will facilitate collaboration between state and Commonwealth governments to meet the challenges of climate change and support the agriculture sector to adapt.
Flood forecasting a cyclone game-changer for Fiji The ground-breaking project has developed and implemented a Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (MHEWS) that delivers an integrated approach to forecasting, monitoring and warning for coastal flooding, no matter what the cause – river or ocean.
Bangladesh to move Rohingya to flood-prone island Bangladesh will start relocating Rohingya Muslims to a flood-prone island off its coast as several thousand refugees have agreed to move.
Tasman fire review finds shortfalls in New Zealand’s preparedness for large-scale blazes A review of firefighting efforts during the Tasman fires last summer, which cost Fire and Emergency New Zealand $13 million, has found shortfalls in the number of skilled staff working in risk management.
UNSDSN TReNDS – SDG Financing Initiative In 2018, SDSN launched and became the Co-Chair of a Working Group on SDG Costing & Financing with the IMF, OECD, and World Bank. This group convenes sector experts to aggregate their respective costing models and data for SDG targets, especially for low-income countries.
Addressing the Challenges of Drafting Contracts for Data Collaboration Contracts for Data Collaboration (C4DC) is a new initiative seeking to address barriers to data collaboration. The partnership, launched in early 2019, has already yielded a number of outputs, including a project inception brief, the Contractual Wheel of Data Collaboration tool — which presents key considerations for the development of data sharing agreements — and an initial analytical framework.
Read the full Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter