COVID-19 could cost world $1 Trillion if it becomes a pandemic, analysts predict
The ghastly prospect that the coronavirus outbreak could become the first truly disruptive pandemic of the globalisation era is renewing doubts over the stability of the world economy.
UNDP and UNDRR to step up action on climate and disaster risk
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) signed a joint partnership agreement on 21 February, to step up collaboration on three priority areas to accelerate the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the UN Plan of Action on Disaster Risk Reduction
SDSN TReNDS Debuts Roundtable on “Governing the Data Revolution”
Data is critical to achieving the SDGs, and while new data sources can offer many solutions to fill these crucial gaps, they need to be carefully managed. In a new roundtable debate from SDSN TReNDS, a selection of members discuss the role of traditional vs. new data methods, policy and regulatory needs for data governance, and where to invest to maximize value.
Helping shape new flood forecasting services in the Wellington region, New Zealand
Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) are embarking on a programme to establish improved flood forecasting services across the Wellington Region on New Zealand’s north island.
Australia: Climate changes threatens research itself
A collaborative study between The University of Queensland and RMIT found extreme climate change weather events such as bushfires, hailstorms and floods impacted on research production.
Tonkin + Taylor provides Dominica with EWS support
T+T’s Dr Bapon Fakhruddin has been tasked by the United Nations Development Programme for Dominica to help produce Dominica’s new multi-hazard impact-based early warning system.