Following a large number of requests and the some practical reasons relating to the review process, the organisers have decided to extend the deadline for abstracts and posters for SciDataCon part of International Data Week to Mon 25 June (23:59 UTC).
Submit Abstracts for Papers and Posters: https://www.scidatacon.org/IDW2018/submit/
Call for Papers and Posters: https://www.scidatacon.org/conference/IDW2018/call_for_papers/
Provisionally Accepted Sessions: https://www.scidatacon.org/IDW2018/sessions/
Themes and Scope of SciDataCon: https://www.scidatacon.org/conference/IDW2018/conference_themes_and_scope/
Call for Papers
For SciDataCon we request that proposals should be submitted for research papers, practice papers, lightning talks and panel contributions: https://www.scidatacon.org/IDW2018/submit/
In some cases, session organisers will be inviting proposals, but please note that you may submit a proposal to any accepted session if you think your proposal is a good fit with that session topic.
Abstracts must be submitted to an accepted session or to the General Submission session. You may consult the descriptions of accepted sessions at https://www.scidatacon.org/IDW2018/sessions/
When submitting your abstract at https://www.scidatacon.org/IDW2018/submit/ you will need to select the appropriate session.
Abstracts submitted to specific sessions will be reviewed for their individual quality and according to their appropriateness for that session. Abstracts submitted to the General Submission option will be reviewed for individual quality and, if accepted, will be assigned to an accepted session or grouped into thematic sessions.
Accepted abstracts will be available from the conference website and will form a persistent collection, so please consider the following recommendations carefully:
- Please submit your proposal of a length appropriate to the intervention. For example, we recommend that the proposal for a research paper should be 800-1600 words and for a practice paper 600-1000 words. For lightning talks or panel interventions 300-600 words is sufficient. These are guides and please use your judgement. We strongly discourage proposals of more than 1600 words.
- Submission must include a summary. The summary should be brief – 100-250 words, and certainly no more than 250 words.
Call for Posters
Posters will be an important feature of SciDataCon 2018. The organisers will endeavour to ensure that all poster presenters have an opportunity to give a lightning talk as well as participating in the poster reception. Posters can often be a more effective way of communicating key technical features of a paper and providing a visual summary that really engages the viewer.
Abstracts must be submitted to an accepted session or to the General Submission session. You may consult the descriptions of accepted sessions at https://www.scidatacon.org/IDW2018/sessions/
When submitting your abstract at https://www.scidatacon.org/IDW2018/submit/ you will need to select the appropriate session.
For a Poster Abstract we suggest 800-1600 words and no more than 1600 words in length.
Submission must include a summary. The summary should be brief – 100-250 words, and certainly no more than 250 words.
Please describe the subject of the proposed poster in as much detail as possible. Describe the structure of the poster. Above all, let us know: