The GOSC DataIO Working Group is delighted to announce the next in its series of webinars surveying current work on data and metadata interoperability. Our speaker is Milan Ojsteršek, co-chair of the WG: Milan is involved in many European initiatives and has an almost unparalleled view of activities in Europe.
The webinar will be run twice to facilitate the participation of colleagues in the widest possible range of timezones. Please register using the links below:
12 July, 08:00 UTC:
12 July, 17:00 UTC:
Data interoperability in Europe: where we are and where we are going?
Would you like to know the current state of data interoperability in Europe? Are you familiar with the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), the EOSC Reference Architecture, and the EOSC Interoperability Framework? Are you familiar with the European research infrastructures and projects that define recommendations and guidelines on data interoperability? In this presentation, we will present the current state of data interoperability in Europe, the problems that need to be solved, and good practices and recommendations in the field of data interoperability. The presentation will focus on semantic interoperability, but we will also present recommendations on other interoperability aspects (infrastructure, technical, organizational, and legal). We will focus on recommendations for machine readability, interpretability, and actionability of FAIR digital objects in European research infrastructures. After surveying the SRIA, EOSC architecture and IF, the presentation will focus on the results of some major European projects and Research Infrastructures.
Milan Ojsteršek is the head of the Laboratory for Heterogeneous Computer Systems at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. His research focuses on heterogeneous computing systems, semantic web, natural language processing, open access repositories, and research data archives. He leads the development and operation of Slovenian open-access infrastructure and several international and national projects connected to the open-access infrastructure, open data, knowledge management, and academic integrity. Milan Ojsteršek is a co-chair of CODATA GOSC Data interoperability working group, a member of the EOSC Semantic interoperability Task Force, member of several working groups in RDA, and a member of auditing board of the European network of academic integrity. He is a co-author of EOSC Interoperability Framework.
Find out more about GOSC at IDW!
Find out more about the GOSC initiative and the GOSC Data IO WG at International Data Week. There will be three sessions about different aspects of the GOSC initiative in the SciDataCon component of International Data Week.
Towards federated open science clouds: technics and demonstrations https://www.
Progress on policy and practice in OSCs: key issues and disciplinary showcases https://www.
GOSC Data IO: Landscape Study and Case Studies in Data Interoperability https://www.
Register to attend IDW 2022 at