Information about the conference is available at ; the Call for Sessions and Papers will be issued soon and it will be possible to submit proposals and abstracts at from 24 April.
The purpose of the conference is to explore the fundamental issues relating to the availability, (re-)use and scientific analysis of data that relate to the most significant contemporary global challenges.
Global science is increasingly data-driven. Major international scientific programmes contribute to a collective endeavour to understand contemporary global processes and phenomena that are of deep relevance to contemporary societies. The unprecedented volume of data generated by the digital revolution of recent decades has led to the emergence of distinctive and powerful means of characterising and understanding the complex systems that are at the heart of many global challenges. These developments raise major questions around data collection, stewardship and analysis; and there are timely lessons to be shared between the academic and commercial sectors.
The conference will be of interest to researchers in many domains, and particularly those relating to the global research programmes sponsored by the International Council of Science (Future Earth, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, Urban Health and Wellbeing), as well as research around the Sustainable Development Goals, ecological and environmental challenges and assessments and the Sendai Framework on disaster risk reduction. The conference will foster constructive and continued dialogue between transdisciplinary research activities and data experts.
The conference themes are as follows:
- Concrete achievements in data-drive science across all research areas
- Data collection, analysis and integration for Earth observations and the study of the Earth’s system
- Data collection and analysis for disaster risk research
- Data-driven cities and sustainable urban development
- Shared data challenges: Big Data management and analysis in the scientific and commercial sectors
- Fundamental and practical issues of data analysis, event recognition and application
- Coordination and development of national and international data services
- Development of research data services in universities and other research organisations
- Coordination of data standards and interoperability
- Issues around ‘intelligently open’ and FAIR data
- Metrology, precision data, fundamental physical constants, reference data and monitoring data in all domains
We look forward to seeing you in Saint-Petersburg in October.
Conference Website:
Submit Session Proposals and Paper Abstracts (Open from 24 April):