A virtual CODATA General Assembly is being convened on 25 June 2020, 11:00-13:00 UTC. Please find the related letter from the CODATA President Barend Mons attached.
To join the Virtual General Assembly as an observer, please register for GoToWebinar using the following link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.
The first purpose of this virtual General Assembly will be to consider the Officers’ and Executive Committee’s recommendation to postpone the in-person CODATA General Assembly which is currently planned for 24 October 2020 and to reschedule it to be held in conjunction with International Data Week, Seoul, Korea, 8-11 November 2021. This also requires approval of necessary points to allow the continuation of Executive Committee, Officers and Task Group terms to the next GA and the Delegates will be voting on.
The virtual General Assembly also provides an opportunity to brief you on CODATA strategic activities, including the ISC CODATA Decadal Programme: Making Data Work for Cross-Domain Grand Challenges.
Draft Agenda for 25 June:
- Opening the Virtual GA
- Short Statement of the Matters for Voting. Questions. Final option to vote using the online system.
- President’s vision for CODATA
- Updates on CODATA
- Decadal Programme
- Task Group and Working Group Highlights
- Data Policy Committee
- Data Science Journal
- Upcoming events: FAIR Convergence Symposium (Paris and Virtual, Oct 2020), IDW 2021 (Seoul, Nov 2021), IDW 2023.
- Membership
- Finances
- Results of voting
- Q&A, Discussion
We are looking forward to ‘see you’ during the virtual GA.