A third and final update of the CODATA Prospectus 2015-2017 has brought the document up to date to the end of 2017 and looks forward at major activities in 2018.
Of particular significance in 2017 are the following outputs and activities:
The OECD-CODATA Report on Sustainable Business Models for Research Data Repositories http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/302b12bb-en
Special Collections of the Data Science Journal, including a ‘Advances in Data Modeling and Knowledge Representation’, ‘20 Years of Persistent Identifiers’, ‘Open Data and Africa’, a special collection on SciDataCon 2016 and forthcoming collections from the CODATA 2017 Conference: https://datascience.codata.org/collections/special/
CODATA convened workshops in June 2017 (ICSU, Paris) and November 2017 (Royal Society, London) to prepare a Commission on Data Standards to address issues of interoperability and data integration in particular for interdisciplinary research areas. The initiative is now moving forward with three pilot case studies, examining the issues of data availability and interoperability in relation to infectious disease, disaster risk and resilient cities.
The African Open Science Platform project is addressing a number of areas essential to building capacity in the use of data and Open Science. Information on the project’s activities can be found at http://africanopenscience.org.za/
In 2017, the CODATA-RDA Schools of Research Data Science expanded, adding three advanced workshops to the recurring event in Trieste (July) and running a foundational school in São Paulo (December). In 2018 schools will take place in Brisbane, Australia (June); Trieste, Italy, with advanced workshops (August); Kigali, Rwanda (October) and São Paulo, Brazil (December).
Looking Forward to 2018:
The attached document provides a summary of important activities, events and dates relating to CODATA initiatives and governance in 2018. Of particular importance will be:
CODATA-Göttingen Symposium on ‘the critical role of university RDM infrastructure in transforming data to knowledge’, 18-20 March, Göttingen, Germany: http://bit.ly/CODATA-RDM-Symposium
SciDataCon 2018, part of International Data Week 2018, ‘The Digital Frontiers of Global Science’, 5-8 November, 5-8 November, Gaborone, Botswana: http://internationaldataweek.org/ and https://www.scidatacon.org/IDW2018/
The document also provides important information about dates in relation to the CODATA Elections 2018 http://bit.ly/CODATA- Elections-2018 and the process for selection of CODATA Task Groups 2018-20 http://bit.ly/CODATA-TGs-2018-20