At the forthcoming CODATA General Assembly at the Indian National Science Academy in New Delhi, 6-7 November, Delegates representing CODATA members will be able to vote for candidates for the following positions: President, Vice-President and ‘Ordinary Members’ of the Executive Committee.
The President, with the other Officers (Vice-Presidents, Secretary General and Treasurer) plays an important leadership role within CODATA. The President is elected for a single four-year term, becoming Past President for two years after their term ends to help continuity.
CODATA may have one or two Vice-Presidents, elected for a four-year term which may be repeated once.
The CODATA Executive Committee comprises eight Ordinary Members and is elected in its entirety every two years. Members may serve up to three two-year terms.
The slate of candidates for this year’s election at the General Assembly is now available as is the full collection of nomination forms and candidacies. We are fortunate to have a range of very strong candidates for all the positions available and there are no fewer than 16 candidates for the 8 places as Ordinary Members.
The election is conducted by secret ballot among delegates representing CODATA Members (National Members, Union Members, Co-Opted Members and the college of Supporting Organisations).
We intend that more information about candidates will appear between now and the CODATA General Assembly.