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CNC Terms of Reference

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Revised Terms of Reference
May 2020 Revision
(To be Reviewed by the New CNC)


Canadian National Committee for the ISC Committee On Data For Science And Technology (CODATA)


Terms of Reference

  1. The purpose of the Committee (CNC/CODATA), which will report to the CIO of NRC (or designate) is:
    1. to review and recognize the many views of its scientific/open science communities on relevant issues;
    2. to identify, represent and promote the capabilities and distinctive competence of its Canadian scientific/open science/ nationally and internationally;
    3. to enhance the depth and breadth of the participation of the Canadian scientific/open science community in the activities and events of CODATA and related organizations;
    4. to establish the mechanisms for communicating to its Canadian scientific/open science community the views of CODATA and information about the activities of CODATA;
    5. to distribute appropriate documentation, including the CODATA Newsletter and encourage the scientific/open science community to subscribe to the CODATA list serve;
    6. to attract and stage international events of value to its Canadian scientific/open science community;
    7. to invite from time to time guest speakers to its meetings or to workshops or seminars it sponsors;
    8. to encourage members with expertise to make themselves available at meetings and workshops;
    9. to recommend to the CIO (or designate) the nomination of the Canadian Delegate and Alternate Delegate to CODATA. (The term of the Delegate/Alternate will begin in January of the year in which a General Assembly is held and terminate in December of the year immediately preceding the year in which the next General Assembly is held. The Delegate/Alternate are normally, but not necessarily, the Chair or a Member of CNC/CODATA.) Upon approval by the CIO of NRC (or designate) , the names of the nominees will be forwarded to NRC International Relations Office for official appointment;
    10. to recommend to the DG one person to attend the workshop of CNC Officers which will be organized by NRC International Relations Office on a regular basis.
  2. Voting Membership
    1. The CNC CODATA Committee (The Committee) shall have a Chair and an appropriate number of Regular embers with new Members appointed by the CIO of NRC (or designate) upon recommendation of the Research Data Canada (RDC) Steering Committee (acting as a transitional Advisory Committee to the CIO of NRC or designate). Due regard should be taken to appropriate geographical, linguistic and gender distribution of membership as well as to adequate representation of all disciplines covered by CODATA.
    2. The Chair of The Committee shall be appointed by the CIO of NRC (or designate)  on the recommendation of the RDC Steering Committee. Normally, The Committee will recommend the Chair-elect at their meeting immediately preceding the end of the term of the current Chair.
    3. Meetings of The Committee will normally be conducted online, with the option of face to face meetings in conjunction with other events (e.g. International Data Week). Members will be expected to cover their own expenses.
    4. The Executive Secretary of the Committee shall be the Executive Director of RDC, (or a designate)  and shall be an ex-officio voting member of the Committee. This is a transitional step to a next stage in 2022 with the evolution of the New DRI Organization.
    5. Canadian members of the CODATA Executive Committee shall be ex-officio voting members of the Committee during their terms of office. If not the Chair or a Regular member of the Committee, the Delegate/Alternate shall be ex-officio voting members during their term.
  3. Observers
    1. To broaden the level of participation in CNC/CODATA beyond that possible with the Members, the Chair may invite interested individuals to participate in meetings as Observers. In particular, this includes:
      1. Canadian members of CODATA Task Groups and official CODATA committees;
      2. representatives of Canadian National Committees of ISC to which NRC adheres;
      3. a representative of NRC International Relations Office, and
      4. others of whom the Chair approves;
      5. national bodies/organizations whose work is related to the objectives of the Canadian National Committee.
  4. Terms
    1. The terms of membership for all Members of the Committee shall be three years, renewable once, but the second term may be extended beyond three years if deemed expedient by the CIO of NRC (or designate) . To facilitate continuity, the Executive Secretary shall endeavour to ensure that no more than three terms expire in December of a given year. A Member whose maximum term has expired, or who has resigned, may be considered for re-appointment as a Member three years after the date of expiration of their last term or the date of their resignation.
    2. The term of the Chair will normally be three years but the term may be extended an additional three years, if deemed expedient by the CIO of NRC. A Chair whose maximum term as Chair has expired may be considered for re-appointment as Chair three years after the date of expiration of their last term as Chair.
    3. Termination of the terms of the Chair and Members shall be on the 31st of December of the last year of their appointment or until such time as a replacement has been appointed.
  5. Meetings
    1. The Committee shall meet quarterly, or more often as deemed necessary. Between meetings, the Chair and Executive Secretary may obtain decisions from the Committee. Decisions will be made based on consensus.
    2. In the year of a CODATA General Assembly, the Committee shall endeavour to schedule a meeting prior to the General Assembly in order to instruct the Delegate on key issues.
  6. Consensus Procedures
    1. For matters requiring a yes/no decision, a consensus shall be required for a decision.
  7. Secretariat
    1. The Secretariat of the Committee shall be located at RDC.