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Call for Nominations for the TWAS Regional Prize 2017: Public Understanding and Popularization of Science – 20 June 2017

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The World Academy of Sciences Regional Office for sub-Saharan Africa (TWAS-ROSSA) invites you to nominate suitable candidates for the TWAS Regional Prize. TWAS-ROSSA seeks to honour an outstanding scientist who has made significant contributions to popularise science, and has developed new strategies that serve the popularization of science and technology in the developing world. The prize is awarded in fulfilment of the TWAS objective of recognising, supporting and promoting scientific capacity and excellence in the developing world. The ideal candidate would meet at least one of the following criteria:
  • Scientific research achievement of outstanding significance for the development of scientific thought.
  • Outstanding contribution to the application of Science and Technology to industry or to human well-being in the developing world.
The award comprises an award certificate with a citation on the winner’s scientific achievement, as well as a cash prize of 3000 USD. The winner will be announced at the Annual TWAS General Assembly and Conference. The prize will be awarded formally by TWAS-ROSSA at a suitable event thereafter.  
Nominations are invited from TWAS and AAS Fellows, Fellows/Members of National Academies and Young Academies in the region, Research Institutions, Research Councils and Universities in the region. The nomination of women and scientists from Science and Technology Lagging Countries (STLC’s) is highly encouraged.
The regional office also request you to further disseminate this call to your databases and network in sub-Saharan Africa.
The completed nomination form and the supporting documents must be submitted to by 20 June 2017.