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Call for Expressions of Interest to Host International Data Week 2018

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Deadline Extended to 24 March

From 11 to 17 September 2016, more than 850 data professionals and researchers from all disciplines and from across the globe convened in Denver, Colorado, USA for the first edition of International Data Week (IDW). This landmark event, organised by CODATA, the Committee on Data of the International Council of Science (ICSU), the ICSU World Data System (WDS) and the Research Data Alliance (RDA), brought together data scientists, researchers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers and data stewards from disciplines across the globe to explore how best to exploit the data revolution to improve science and society through data-driven discovery and innovation.

CODATA, RDA, and WDS plan to hold a Second International Data Week (IDW2) in September or October 2018. We are requesting expressions of interest to host the 2nd edition of this exciting event. One or more of these expressions of interest will then be requested to submit a fuller proposal.

For this event, the organisers are interested in reaching out to new communities and going to a city where we have not hosted a meeting before. We welcome expressions of interest from countries and organisations around the world. We would especially like to encourage interest from the global South and in particular Africa.

Expressions of interest need to demonstrate that local hosts have access to a suitable venue; strong support from local organisations and government; good connections to universities, industry, and research organisations in the country and region; and solid financial support.

We envision IDW2 as a four-day event that integrates activities of SciDataCon 2018—the international conference for critical examination and discussion of the frontier issues of data in research—and the RDA 12th Plenary – addressing practical issues around data sharing and reuse. We plan both research sessions and focused working meetings as well as broad plenary sessions of general interest. The days prior and subsequent to the meeting will involve business and governance meetings of CODATA, RDA, and WDS and potentially other co-located meetings.

Expression of Interest Application

The expression of interest should be sent by email to no later than 24 March 2017 in electronic editable format and not exceed 5 pages plus any pictures of the venue. It should include summary descriptions of the topics below.

Host Organisation Details

Names, affiliations, and email contact information for the main organizers. Please also describe the host organisation and its capacity for hosting and promoting a major international event, the level of government commitment, and roles of any other collaborating organisations.

Venue & Facilities

The venue proposed must have a capacity of at least 800 attendees simultaneously, with at least 12 parallel meeting rooms available at any one time. A brief description of the venue(s) proposed outlining the facilities in terms of delegate capacity, meeting rooms available, plenary capacity, networking areas, wifi capacity, catering facilities, audio visual equipment, accessibility (local transport, international connections, on-site reduced mobility access), and accommodation for participants (hotels in various price ranges).

Proposed dates

A set of different date options, in September or October 2018, for international data week covering a four full day conference with the possibility of hosting smaller business meetings two days before and two days after.


A draft budget including eventual sponsorships, local, national, regional financial support and the proposed registration fee and eventual excess cost estimates to be covered. Potential hosts are expected to partner with the convening organisations to raise sponsorship, both international and local.  In the draft budget, the conference costs should not be solely covered by the registration fee, but will also be partly supported through a mix of sponsorship, local and international funding.


A brief outline of local, national, regional and international plans for publicizing the conference. A description of how the hosting organisation(s) connect to the national and regional data research community.

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