Interested researchers are invited to submit articles to a volume in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS/LNAI) series with the above title.
The growth of a global digital economy has enabled rapid communication, instantaneous movement of funds, availability of vast amounts of information. With this come challenges such as the vulnerability of digitized socio-technological systems to destructive events (natural disasters such as earthquakes and disease events, and manmade disasters due to mistakes or deliberate attacks) and the disruption of standard jobs replaced by networked robotics and humans working alongside intelligent machines. Similar issues arise with respect to complex linked natural and social systems at the center of changing climates, evolving urban environments, and questions about availability and equal access to food, water, and energy. The notion of “resilience” has emerged as an organizing principle for understanding and managing complex socio-technological and natural-social systems. The deluge of data from in-situ sensors, online activities, satellite imagery, etc., makes it possible to observe socio-technological and socio-ecological dynamics across temporal and spatial scales. Today’s digital world of big data, massive computing capacity, and Artificial Intelligence creates an opportunity to transform approaches to building resilience into such systems.
This volume will explore the use of tools of mathematics, data science and systems analysis to explore:
- Vulnerability and sustainability of large-scale socio-technological systems, critical infrastructures, and natural-social systems to the destructive impacts of various kinds;
- Robotization, internet of things, and their impact on economic and social development around the world;
- The relevance of Big Data and FAIR Data
There are no formal requirements to the article length or other parameters.
Authors are asked to inform the editors immediately of their intent to submit a manuscript. Draft manuscripts are requested by 30 June, 2020.
Questions, expressions of interest, and submissions should be addressed to the volume co- editors:
Professor Fred Roberts, Director of Command, Control and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis (CCICADA), Emeritus Director of the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS), Rutgers University: froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Professor Igor Sheremet, Deputy Director for Science of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences: sheremet@rfbr.ru