CODATA is partnering the International Social Science Council in organising the World Social Science Fellows Seminar on Big Data in an Urban Context, 30 November to 4 December 2015, Xiamen, China.
ISSC invites applications from outstanding early career social scientists around the world to become World Social Science Fellows and participate in a seminar on Big Data in an Urban Context. The seminar will be hosted by the International Council of Science International Programme Office on Urban Health and Wellbeing at the Institute of Urban Environment (IUE) in Xiamen, China.
Sometimes erroneously considered a challenge first and foremost for computational sciences, Big Data developments have a far wider reaching impact. Much of the initial excitement relates to data about human interactions of various sorts. ‘Big Data’ gives us the power to gather and analyse data relating to the environment and to human interactions and offers the prospect of a far improved understanding of sustainable development, through the gathering of rich real time data on human interactions.
Exploring these data and applying the new techniques of ‘data science’ is essential if we are to address the major, fundamentally interdisciplinary, scientific and social grand challenges emerging from the changing planetary environment. Nevertheless, there are considerable cultural, methodological, ethical and technical challenges for the social sciences. This landscape and the issues which derive from it will be the focus of the World Social Science Fellows Seminar.
To be eligible to apply, you have to be:
- A post-doctoral researcher with a maximum of five years research experience following your PhD (candidates with more research experience can also be considered, if they explain why they should be eligible); or
- An early career researcher without a PhD but with an equivalent level of research experience and output;
- Under 40 years of age (candidates over the age of 40 can also be considered, if they explain why they should be eligible)
To apply for selection as a World Social Science Fellow, please submit the following, in English:
- A Curriculum Vitae of no more than 2 pages, including information about education, research projects and networks, awards and prizes and other pertinent experiences. In addition to the 2 page CV, add a list of your most important publications.
- An abstract (one page maximum) of the paper you would present at the seminar.
- A statement (one page maximum) outlining your perspective on the topic. Please highlight relevant experience you have in interdisciplinary research projects.
- Agreement from your home institution about your participation in the seminar, including a short outline of how you will share knowledge you have gained at the seminar with your colleagues/students after you return
Applications can be submitted electronically and in one file to
Further information and application form.
Download the application form.
The deadline for applications is 00.00 UTC, 24 August 2015.