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Botswana National Committee – National Open Data Forum Steering Committee Task Plan 2021

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August 2021

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Proposed Task Plan 2021


1.     Conduct stakeholder engagement processes 1.1 Identify stakeholders

1.2 Develop an advocacy plan to engage stakeholders

1.3 Determine ownership/mandate of the ODOS National Policy

1.4 Conduct a stakeholder engagement national forum

1.5 Document stakeholder profiles and perceptions of ODOS.

2. Conduct situational analysis (SA)


2.1  Review profiles of datasets, repositories: formats, accessibility, management, security, standards (sharing, use and reuse (from task 1), intellectual property, funding)

2.2  Review infrastructure

2.3  Review coordination and regulatory frameworks

2.4  Review human resources (existing capacity and training plans).

3.     Conduct benchmarking exercise


3.1 Conduct reviews of existing ODOS policies, strategies and implementation processes for benchmarking purposes

1.     Existing national initiatives e.g. BIH, JMC reports

2.     African Initiatives e.g. data forums

3.     International countries with good practices

4.     Global data organizations e.g. CODATA, RDA.


4.     Establish key parameters of the policy


4.1 Consider recommendations from Situational Analysis and Benchmarking Exercise and identify Pillars

4.2 Develop a process map to address the country needs

4.3 Constitute committees to work with identified areas

4.4 Develop TOR for each subcommittee

4.5 Put in place a reporting structure to the ODOS Steering Committee.


5.     Draft the policy 5.1 Consolidate reports from subcommittee reports and produce draft policy

5.2 Organize pre-submission workshop or conference.

6.     Submit policy 6.1 Take through approval processes

6.2 Incorporate feedback and finalize

6.3 Develop a diffusion/embedding plan for the policy.


7.     Operationalize the policy 7.1  Derive the Implementation Plan

7.1.1.     Identify and prioritize action items

7.1.2.     Develop a time frame

7.1.3.     Develop a human resource and budget plan

7.1.4.     Develop regulatory framework for implementing the policy

7.2  Develop a diffusion/embedding plan for the strategy


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