The São Paolo CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science will be run online from 9 May to 15 July 2022. There is no fee but there will be a limit on numbers. Register and make your application by the deadline of 20 April: https://www.ictp-saifr.
The ever-accelerating volume and variety of data being generated is having a huge impact on a wide variety of research disciplines, from the sciences to the humanities. The international, collective ability to create, share and analyze vast quantities of data is having a profound, transformative effect. This ‘Data Revolution’ offers great opportunities for students with modern data skills, both in conducting their research and in entering a jobs market where those skills are in demand.
Contemporary research – particularly when addressing the most significant, transdisciplinary research challenges – cannot be done effectively without a range of skills relating to data. This includes the principles and practice of Open Science and research data management and curation, the use of a range of data platforms and infrastructures, large scale analysis, statistics, visualization and modeling techniques, software development and annotation and more. We define ‘Research Data Science’ as the ensemble of these skills.
The School on Research Data Science will focus on growing competence in accessing, analyzing, visualizing, and publishing data. It is open to participants from all disciplines and/or backgrounds from the sciences to humanities. This activity will cover topics on principles and practice of Open Science, research data management and curation, use of a range of research compute infrastructures, large scale analysis, statistics, visualization and modeling techniques, automation and scripting.
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