When: TUESDAY, 21 SEPT. 2021 at 4:00 PM India time
Where: Zoom and YouTube
Astronomy is facing a tsunami of new data as a slew of new telescopes come online within this decade. Within these vast datasets, astronomers will search for rare objects (needles in the haystack) as well as trace statistical trends with samples of millions and even billions of celestial objects. The Square Kilometre Array is the largest radio telescope ever envisioned. It is now being built by an international consortium (which includes India) at two remote sites – one in Australia and another in South Africa.
National Centre for Radio Astrophysics – Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune, India
Prof. Yogesh Wadadekar will describe how astronomers and engineers are working together to understand and solve challenging problems in data acquisition, transport, processing, delivery and visualisation of exabyte scale datasets.
Chaired by:
Prof. G. C. Anupama
President, Astronomical Society of India Former Senior Professor & Dean
Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru, India
The Pune Knowledge Cluster (PKC) has been established by the Ofce of the Principal Scientic Advisor to the Government of India. The aim is to bring together academia, R&D institutions and the industry of Pune and its surrounding regions to address the challenging problems of the region through innovative means, using scientic knowledge and engaging highly skilled human resources.