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COSMOS Conference Replay

Did you miss COSMOS (Conference On Smart Metadata for Official Statistics)?  The videos from COSMOS are now available, including a keynote from Mercè Crosas, Head of Computational Social Sciences at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, and CODATA President. The first...

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Call for Data Science Journal editorial board members

The CODATA Data Science Journal (DSJ) is seeking new members for its editorial board. For more than 20 years, DSJ has been a peer-reviewed, open access, electronic journal, publishing papers on the management, dissemination, use and reuse of research data and...

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Relaunch of the CODATA-RDA Schools of Research Data Science (SoRDS) Newsletter
#codata #FAIRdata #OpenScience #datascience #opendata

New in CODATA Data Science Journal:Angela Y. Lee, Cedric J. Powell, Justin M. Gorham, Adam Morey,John Henry J. Scott, Robert J. Hanisch Title:Development of the NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Database, Version 5
#codata #opendata #datasciencej

New in CODATA Data Science Journal:Ian McKechnie,Kassy Raymond,Deborah Stacey Title:Identifying Inconsistencies in Data Quality Between FAOSTAT,WOAH,UN Agriculture Census,and National Data
#codata #FAIRdata #OpenScience #datascience #opendata #datasciencej

Computational Social Science Conference, 28-29 October 2024, Barcelona - Registration open
#codata #FAIRdata #OpenScience #datascience #opendata

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