Held on 27-28 October, in Salzburg and online, the 2023 CODATA General Assembly elected a strong and diverse Executive Committee and approved eight Task Groups and one Working Group.
The full summary of the General Assembly, including presentations, results of voting and the recordings can be consulted here.
2023 CODATA Elections
Mercè Crosas, head of Computational Social Sciences at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, was elected President. Daisy Selematsela and Richard Hartshorn, were elected Vice-President.

From left to right: Daisy Selematsela, newly elected Vice President; Mercè Crosas, newly elected President; Richard Hartshorn, newly elected Vice President.
The full results and composition of the new CODATA Executive Committee is as follows:
President 2023-27
Mercè Crosas; Computational Social Sciences, Female (nominated by USA, DDI Alliance, GO FAIR Foundation)
Vice-Presidents 2023-27
Daisy Selematsela; Information Sciences, Female (nominated by South Africa)
Richard Hartshorn; Chemistry, Male (nominated by New Zealand)
ExComm Ordinary Members 2023-25
Toshihiro Ashino; Materials Sciences,Male (nominated by Japan)
Tyng-Ruey Chuang; Information Sciences, Male (nominated by Taipei)
Leo Lahti; Computer Sciences, Male (nominated by Finland)
Pam Maras; Psychological Sciences, Female (nominated by IUPsyS)
Audrey Masizana; Computer Sciences, Female (nominated by Botswana)
Virginia Murray; Health Sciences, Female (nominated by UK)
Marc Nyssen; Medical Engineering, Male (nominated by IUPESM)
Elena Rovenskaya; Systems Analysis, Female (nominated by IIASA)
Andrew Young; Life Sciences, Male (nominated by Australia)
Cyrus Walther; Physics, Male (nominated by IUPAP)
Incumbent Secretary General 2021-2025
Christine Kirkpatrick; Computer Sciences, Female (nominated by USA)
Incumbent Treasurer 2021-2025
Steve McEachern; Social Sciences, Male (nominated by Australia)
Past President 2023-2025
Barend Mons; Life Sciences, FAIR and Semantics, Male
It is worth noting that for the first time in CODATA’s 57 year history, we have a female president, and the overall gender balance is 7-8 (female-male) for the elected members which is the best we have ever had. This is also the highest number of Officers/ExComm members nominated by International Scientific Unions in at least the last ten years, which shows a confidence in our mission to engage with data issues from a range of scientific fields.

Some of the members of the new CODATA Executive Committee, from left to right: Cyrus Walther, Richard Hartshorn, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Marc Nyssen, Christine Kirkpatrick, Barend Mons, Mercè Crosas, Pam Maras, Toshihiro Ashino, Elena Rovenskaya.
2023 CODATA Task Groups
The following Task Groups were approved:
- Data Systems and Services for Crisis Situations (DSTS-CS)
- Advancing Data Science for Sustainability
- Geographic Indications and Sustainability (GIES-TG)
- Data Ethics Task Group (DE-TG)
- Data-Driven Social Change Towards Society Promoting Cognitively Healthy Aging
- Citizen Generated Data for the SDGs
- Digital Representation of Units of Measure (DRUM-TG)
- FAIR Data for Disaster Risk Research
The following proposal was approved as a Working Group was approved:
- The Role of Integrity in AI Science, Ethics and Policy (Integrity-WG)

The in-person participants of the CODATA General Assembly
Further information about the Task Groups, their missions, objectives and proposed deliverables will be published in due course.