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CODATA Data Ethics Working Group recruitment: promoting global open science with data ethics consensus

An invitation is hereby extended to join the CODATA Data Ethics Working Group. The growing application of big data in scientific research, can raise some ethical challenges, particularly in relation to privacy, transparency and openness. In order to address these challenges, the Data Ethics Working Group was established in 2022 with the endorsement and guidance of CODATA Executive Committee. 

The objective of Data Ethics Working Group is to explore the landscape and to make recommendations on how CODATA activities can contribute to tackling issues of data ethics.  In particular, the Working Group aims to establish a basic consensus for further activities and research on data ethics principles and a data ethics framework which will help CODATA advance its mission in championing global open data exchange and applications in alignment with the UNESCO recommendations on open science.

To achieve this aim, we plan to conduct a survey on research and practice of data ethics in countries, regions and international organisations around the world, then carry out a systematic analysis, and develop a consensus concept and content of data ethics. During this period, we plan to publish journal articles, a White Paper on data ethics, and make presentations at data-related conferences and fora, such as International Data Week in 2022/2023.

Any colleague interested in joining this working group is welcome to contact:

  •     Professor Lianglin Hu; email: and / or
  •     Professor Johannes John-Langba; email:

In not more than 250 words, please state clearly (in your email response) your interests and potential contribution to the Data Ethics Working Group for consideration by 28 May 2022.