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GOSC WG Strategy, Governance and Sustainability

As large, multidisciplinary infrastructures, open science clouds (OSCs) around the world face challenges of governance, funding, sustainability, rules of participation, inclusivity, making their value proposition, and engagement with researchers and existing research infrastructures and other e-infrastructures. The specificities of national and regional circumstances mean that the approaches of each OSC to these issues will often be relatively bespoke. Nevertheless, there is much to be learnt from the exchange of experiences and strategies between initiatives.

The WG will proceed by providing a forum to exchange information and identifying a discrete number of topics to explore in more detail. Possible initial questions include but are not limited to: What are the governance and accountability structures? What are the mechanisms for funding core OSC infrastructures and how does the OSC present its value proposition in order to sustain operations? What are the rules of engagement for public and private institutions?

Working Group Co-chairs

Noorsaadah Abdul Rahman, Malaysian Open Science Platform

Qunli HAN, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk IPO, China

Secretariat Contact

Xueting Li, CNIC

Hana Pergl, CODATA


Additional participants are invited: sign-up here, if interested to join the WG. 


Page last reviewed: 2023-07-13.