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Proposals for CODATA Task Groups 2021

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Task Groups are an important means through which CODATA delivers on its mission and Strategic Programme, including the Decadal Programme ‘Making Data Work for Cross-Domain Grand Challenges’

Task Groups proposals are invited every two years and are selected by the General Assembly. For the CODATA General Assembly in 2021, a total of twelve proposals are considered. 

Four proposals for new Task Groups were submitted:

  1. Creative Living and Aging through Cross-disciplinary Utilization of Data
  2. Data Ethics
  3. Extension of InChI for nanomaterials
  4. Towards a Paradigm Shift for Open Data in Planning Resilience Cities

Eight existing Task Groups applied for renewal:

  1. Advanced mathematical tools for data-driven applied systems analysis
  2. Agriculture Data, Knowledge for Learning and Innovation
  3. Applying Data Integration and Data Science Tools toward Research of Urban Life and Smart Cities
  4. CODATA–WDS TG on Data from Participatory Mapping for the SDGs and Knowledge
  5. Digital Representation of Units of Measurement (DRUM)
  6. FAIR Data for Disaster Risk Research (FAIR-DRR)
  7. Improving Data Access and Reusability (IDAR)
  8. Preservation of and Access to Scientific and Technical Data in/for/with Developing Countries (PASTD)

Proposals were peer reviewed and assessed by the Executive Committee which presented recommendations to the General Assembly. The Delegates have been asked to vote prior to the General Assembly and approve Task Groups for 2021-2023. Results of the voting will be presented at the beginning of the General Assembly on 15 November. 


CODATA General Assembly Agenda

REGISTRATION for the Virtual General Assembly