Walloped by heatwave, Greenland sees massive ice melt
The heatwave that smashed high-temperature records in five European countries is now over Greenland, accelerating the melting of the island’s ice sheet and causing massive ice loss in the Arctic.
How investing in early warning systems proves beneficial
A team including Dr Bapon SHM Fakhruddin, Technical Director at Tonkin + Taylor International, found that for every (USD) $1.00 invested in EWS, there is a return of $6.00 in benefits.
Improving communication and integration of geospatial information
From the Ninth Session of the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), SDSN TReNDS’ Maryam Rabiee reflects on how geospatial data and technologies can better support the Sustainable Development Goals.
WHO joins coalition for free digital access to research health
“By joining this coalition, we believe we can accelerate progress towards universal free access to health research”, says WHO Chief Scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan.
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