Tyng-Ruey Chuang: Candidacy for CODATA Executive Committee

This is the ninth in the series of short statements from candidates in the coming CODATA Elections at the General Assembly to be held on 15-16 November, 2021.  Tyng-Ruey Chuang is a candidate for the CODATA Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member. He was nominated by the Academy of Sciences located in Taipei.

I, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, was elected to the CODATA Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member in November 2018. For the three years since I was elected, I have had the privilege and pleasure working with colleagues in the CODATA Executive Committee and Secretariat, the CODATA members, and various data communities in advocating greater data sharing and reuse to further scientific advancement. The data landscape in today’s society is changing fast: Datasets from diverse sources — sciences, governments, businesses, citizens, etc. — are being used together to address pressing environmental and societal issues. As a society, we cannot, however, at this stage proclaim that all useful datasets are easily accessible and reusable to all people to freely build upon to benefit all our communities.

CODATA, as a multidisciplinary scientific body working with (and within) the International Science Council, is at a unique position to make strides in realizing the data for social goods vision. To work toward this vision, CODATA would need to connect more to social sciences and humanities research associations, as well as to global civil society organizations and intergovernmental organizations. With clear visions and common goals, CODATA and like-mind global partners can achieve a lot more and a lot faster. 

For the last 20 years I have worked with researchers from multiple disciplines on data management systems, copyrights and public licenses, open data policies, data repositories, among others. Many of these works are collaborative data projects. A central goal of these collaborations, always, is to make better use of research data. My training and experience in information science and engineering aligns strongly with the CODATA missions.

I collaborated with the Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute on a communal data workflow for the Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network [1, 2]. The projects received a National Agricultural Science Award in 2019 [3]. Our work on the Sunflower Movement Archive [4] has contributed to a year-long special exhibition at National Museum of Taiwan History on Social Movements in Post-War Taiwan [5]. Both collaborations emphasize community involvement and public access to research materials. We build and operate the depositar [6], a data repository open to all for the deposit, discovery, and reuse of research datasets. We organized the 2021 Research Data Management Workshop with about 200 online participants [7].

I had been the public lead of Creative Commons Taiwan since its beginning in early 2003 until its transition to a community project in June 2018. I co-led the Open Source Software Foundry (2003 — 2017). These two long-running projects were supported by Academia Sinica in Taipei to outreach to the general public, researchers, and policy makers in Taiwan about the principles and practices of public licenses and free software. Capacity building is an integral part of the two projects.

In addition to being a member of  the CODATA Executive Committee (2018 — 2021),  I served in CODATA’s International Data Policy Committee (2014 — 2019) and co-chaired the CODATA–WDS Task Group on Citizen Science and the Validation, Curation, and Management of Crowdsourced Data (2016 — 2018). I am a member of CODATA Taiwan, and once served as its executive secretary (2007 — 2013). I have participated in CODATA General Assembly since 2008, and have organized sessions in the 2010 and 2012 CODATA International Conference, and in the 2014, 2016, 2018, 2021 SciDataCon Conference. The 2012 CODATA International Conference was held in Taipei; I led a team in Taiwan working with the CODATA Secretariat to organize the conference to a great success.

I am an Associate Research Professor (Associate Research Fellow) at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, with a joint appointment at both the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation and the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences. I was a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University, supported in part by a Fulbright senior research grant (2011 — 2012). 

I am on the Advisory Committee of Academia Historia, Taiwan. I am also part of Future Earth Taipei. I was on the Creative Commons’ Policy Advisory Council (2016 — 2018). For several times, I served on the board of the Taiwan Association of Human Rights, as well as on the board of the Software Liberty Association of Taiwan. As a reference, you can also find my Candidacy Statement for the 2018 CODATA Executive Committee at the CODATA website [8].

[1] <https://roadkill.tw/en>

[2] <https://roadkill.tw/sites/roadkill/files/content/communal_data_workflow_in_tairon.pdf>

[3] <https://roadkill.tw/news/20200103>

[4] <http://public.318.io/about>

[5] <https://www.nmth.gov.tw/exhibition?uid=127&pid=515>

[6] <https://data.depositar.io/en/about>

[7] <http://odw.tw/2021/programme>

[8 ] <https://codata.org/blog/2018/10/17/tyng-ruey-chuang-candidacy-for-codata-executive-committe

Elena Rovenskaya: Candidacy for CODATA Executive Committee

This is the second in the series of short statements from candidates in the coming CODATA Elections at the General Assembly to be held on 15-16 November, 2021. Elena Rovenskaya is a candidate for the CODATA Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member. She was nominated by Russia.

Elena Rovenskaya is Principal Research Scholar and Director of the Advancing Systems Analysis (ASA) Program https://iiasa.ac.at/web/asa.html at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria. She is also Research Scholar at the Optimal Control Department of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia (currently on leave). 

Broadly, Elena Rovenskaya’s scientific interests lie in the fields of optimization, decision science, and mathematical modeling of complex socio-environmental systems. As one important avenue, recently, she has been focusing her research on using qualitative and quantitative methods to support decisions in settings dominated by uncertainty. 

In line with her research interests, Elena Rovenskaya has been an active member of the CODATA Task Group “Advanced mathematical tools for data-driven applied systems analysis” https://codata.org/initiatives/task-groups/applied-systems-analysis/, which is one important channel through which CODATA collaborates with IIASA. As part of this Task Group’s activity, recently Elena Rovenskaya organized a workshop at IIASA that aimed to facilitate a dialogue with modelers and systems analysts on Open Data and Open Models


In her work of the ASA Program Director, Elena Rovenskaya leads a highly international team of about 90 researchers who focus their efforts on innovating in terms of methods, approaches, and data to be used to support the transition to sustainability. ASA research is highly interdisciplinary and often transdisciplinary with many projects involving policymakers and citizens. As one example, Elena Rovenskaya co-leads a project that looks into patterns of COVID-19 spread https://iiasa.ac.at/web/home/about/210205-IIASA-RFBR-pandemic-research.html

Elena Rovenskaya’s personal statement on the motivation to be considered for the role of an Ordinary Executive Committee Member:  

I am interested in this role because I am very much interested in facilitating a stronger linkage between data and modeling that serves to support decisions related to sustainability at global, national, and local scales. Modeling and policy demands pose specific needs and challenges in regard to data that should feed into models, such as inter-operability, validation, non-numeric data – to name just a few. Private sector holds a wealth of data that could be used for sustainability research. Finding ways to use these data in the interests of the society is another important challenge.  I feel that my understanding of the current trends in systems analysis, disciplines that deal with the transition to sustainability, and policy implementation research can contribute to strengthening CODATA’s mission to promote international collaboration to advance Open Science and to improve the availability and usability of data for all areas of research. 

Virginia Murray: Candidacy for CODATA Executive Committee

This is the third in the series of short statements from candidates in the coming CODATA Elections at the General Assembly to be held on 15-16 November, 2021.  Virginia Murray is a candidate for the CODATA Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member. She was nominated by the UK.

Data is critical for the implementation of the recent synchronous adoption of the 2015 landmark UN agreements of the Sendia Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [iii], and the COP21’s Paris Climate Conference[iv]

With disasters increasing in intensity, severity and impacts across the globe, improving risk information across all types of hazards is critical to enhance our capacity to anticipate, prevent and respond to disaster risks from the local to the global scales. One barrier to sharing and using risk information effectively has been the lack of standardized definitions of hazards and a lack of guidance on the full range of hazards from hydrometeorological, extraterrestrial, geological, environmental, chemical, biological, technological and  societal that need to be addressed in risk management.

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and the International Science Council (ISC) jointly established a Technical Working Group (TWG) to identify the full scope of all hazards relevant to the Sendai Framework and the scientific definitions of these hazards. I was invited to chair the TWG with strong CODATA representation.  The TWG and the project secretariat engaged with scientists in many organisations and UN agency scientific partners to find out how, via consensus building, an all hazard list could best be developed. 

The UNDRR-ISC Hazard Definition and Classification Review – Technical report released in July 2020, and the Hazard Information Profiles: Supplement to UNDRR-ISC Hazard Definition & Classification Review – Technical Report released in October 2021. Aligned with the list of hazards published in the Technical Report, this Supplement comprises of a description of each of the 302 hazard information profiles (HIPs), developed using a consultative process by scientists and experts across the globe.

Responding to increasing calls for ‘a data revolution, rigorous accountability mechanisms and renewed global partnerships’, the UNDRR-ISC Hazard Definition and Classification Review – Technical report and its Supplement provide an important resource to support the implementation of disaster risk reduction and risk-informed investment, aligned with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, but also the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Sustainable Financing. It provides a common set of hazard definitions to Governments and stakeholders to inform their strategies and actions on risk reduction and management. Specifically, the report and this supplement could support the development and updating of national and local disaster risk reduction strategies and loss databases, as well as integrating disaster risk reduction into national statistics, legal, accounting and regulatory frameworks and public and private policy, financing and investment decisions and is the first ever compilation of definitions of over 300 hazards that are relevant to the 2015 United Nations landmark agreements of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals.

With more than 100 authors and over 130 reviewers involved in the development of the hazard information profiles, this work has stimulated a process of multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral collaboration on using science-based information to better define hazards and the data requirements to measure them effectively.  As chair of the TWG for the UNDRR/ISC Hazard Definition and Classification Report I thank all members of the TWG, all the authors and reviewers of the UNDRR/ISC Hazard Information Profiles for their commitment and engagement to deliver this work. To develop standardised understanding of hazards is such an important step forward that will facilitate, we believe, engagement with a range of users working in disaster risk reduction, emergency management, climate change, and sustainable development.  The Hazard Information Profiles will ensure synchronisation among global and national mechanisms and processes. We hope these will be useful, usable and used by many. 

The implementation of this and related work remains a vital contribution that I hope, as an ordinary member of the CODATA Executive Committee, I could continue to contribute if elected for the next two years

More widely my current roles are as a public health doctor committed to improving health emergency and disaster risk management as well as data access and transparency for effective reporting.  I was appointed as Head of Global Disaster Risk Reduction (GDRR) for UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) in April 2014 and from 2020 have been working additionally as a UKHSA Senior Public Health Advisor for COVID-19. I am a member of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) scientific committee and Co-Chair of IRDR’s Disaster Loss Data (DATA). I am  a co-chair of the WHO Thematic Platform Health and Disaster Risk Management Research Network, and by working in collaboration with this network, she is one of the editors of the WHO Guidance on Research Methods for Health and Disaster Risk Management, published in October 2021. I am currently a member of UNSDSN TReNDS network. I am a visiting/honorary Professor and fellow at several universities.

Toshihiro Ashino: Candidacy for CODATA Executive Committee

This is the fourth in the series of short statements from candidates in the coming CODATA Elections at the General Assembly to be held on 15-16 November, 2021.  Toshihiro Ashino is a candidate for the CODATA Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member. He was nominated by Japan.

My area of expertise is materials data, and I have conducted research in particular on the development of ontologies for materials science and engineering. In the Japanese national project SIP, I am participating in the subject “Materials Integration” and leading the research on the integration of heterogeneous materials data resources, such as experimental data, equations and simulations using ontologies.

In CODATA, I proposed the CODATA Task Group, “Exchangeable Materials Data Representation to support Scientific Research and Education”, which was accepted by the General Assembly in 2006, and co-chaired the group for two terms (2006-2008, 2008-2010). I was also nominated by the Science Council of Japan at the CODATA General Assembly in 2018 to be a member of the EC and has supported CODATA’s activities by serving as a liaison to the TGFC, a traditional activity of CODATA, from 2018 to 2021.

In Japan, I chaired the CODATA sub-committee in the 24th term of the Science Council of Japan (2017-2020) and have been working to disseminate CODATA activities, including the release of the Japanese translation of “The Beijing Declaration on Research Data” in 2019. In recognition of these activities, I have been invited to join the JOSS (Japan Open Science Summit) organization committee and RDUF (Research Data Utilization Forum) program committee, which have been established in order to promote open science, open data and research data management in Japan. In the 25th of Science Council of Japan (2020-2022), I have been appointed the chair of CODATA sub-committee, a member of WDS sub-committee and a member of the International Science Data committee.

I am also working for standardization of materials data representation, participating a series of CEN workshops from 2009, He is also a member of the Japanese national liaison committee for CIPM (International Committee for Weights and Measures) and contributes to Digital-SI, which is currently one of the most important activities for CODATA. Materials data has been one of CODATA’s key areas since its foundation, and we will continue to promote this. As the use of research data becomes increasingly important internationally, and as advanced infrastructures for this use are being built and changing the way of research itself, CODATA’s activities will provide a common international platform for this. I will contribute to international cooperation for this purpose.

Giri Prakash: Candidacy for CODATA Executive Committee

This is the fifth in the series of short statements from candidates in the coming CODATA Elections at the General Assembly to be held on 15-16 November, 2021. Giri Prakash is a candidate for the CODATA Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member. He was nominated by the USA.

Giri Prakash serves as the Section Head for Earth System Informatics and Data Discovery Section at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. I am responsible for overseeing a data group that manages two WDS member data centers: Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Facility (ARM) Data Center and ORNL NASA Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) for Biogeochemical Dynamics. As the director of Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Facility (ARM) Data Center, I am responsible for the leadership and management of that center. My primary focus is on operational activities and engineering necessary to sustain and advance excellence in the data management field. Specifically, the ARM Data Center Archive currently holds over 3 petabytes of data for 11,000 diverse observational data products. I lead the development and execution of multi-year plans that adapt the next-generation computing architecture to the increasing demands of data volume, rates, complexity, and the challenges of high-resolution modeling.

I have over 19 years of experience in scientific data management, discovery, metadata and data interoperability, FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) data principles, data citation, computing-as-a-service, web services, and visualization. 

My latest research interest includes enabling open science by adapting AI/ML capabilities in scientific data center operations. I have been an active participant in CODATA conferences and led many data management sessions.  Most recently, I led a session on making data centers ready for AI during the SciDataCon 2021. In addition, I actively participate in various international data sharing and interoperability working groups, data management workshops, and conferences. Enabling data interoperability using ontologies, standards, and protocols helps research activities to solve complex questions such as Earth System predictability and climate change. By establishing this activity, I expect to contribute to CODATA to extend its visibility to data-intensive cross-domain research activities related to earth sciences.

I have extensive experience in working with multi-national projects such as MOSAIC, polar data integration, and bio-diversity networks across continents. I am currently serving a four-year term on the U.S. National Committee for CODATA(USNC/CODATA). 

I  received a master of science degree in environmental sciences from Memorial University in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada in 2000 and also hold a diploma in object oriented software technology from the University of Calgary in Canada. In addition, I have a master of science degree in soil science and a bachelor’s degree in agriculture from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore, India.

Richard Hartshorn: Candidacy for CODATA Executive Committee

This is the sixth in the series of short statements from candidates in the coming CODATA Elections at the General Assembly to be held on 15-16 November, 2021.  Richard Hartshorn is a candidate for the CODATA Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member. He was nominated by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

Positions in CODATA:

Member of the CODATA Executive Committee 2018-2021
Executive Committee Liaison to Digital Representation of Units of Measure (DRUM) Task Group 2018-2021


Professor Richard Hartshorn, Secretary General of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) will continue to be an excellent member of the CODATA Executive Committee, should he be re-elected. In his role as Secretary General, and through others within IUPAC, he has demonstrated strategic leadership and gained significant experience in governance of an international science-based organization. This experience has been brought to bear as a member of the CODATA Executive Committee, particularly through providing a scientific union perspective to committee deliberations.

As you know, IUPAC has created and maintained a common language for chemistry, for over one hundred years, via the development of standards in nomenclature, terminology, weights, symbols, etc. Such activities involve reaching international consensus among experts from around the world. This requires skills of diplomatic negotiations in situations where a very small staff need to work with a global membership, coping with the limitations of small organizations and yet still maintaining the global impact that satisfies the wider membership. In this context, Professor Hartshorn has been involved in nomenclature activities for many years and led the IUPAC Division of Chemical Nomenclature and Structure Representation (2010-13). He is also significantly involved in the International Chemical Identifier (InChI) Trust, both at a governance level as a member of the InChI Trust Board, and in InChI-based projects [the InChI is and will be a key tool in making chemical data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR)].  

IUPAC is committed to continued innovation in nomenclature, terminology, other intellectual infrastructure, and particularly to developing tools for the use, global exchange, and archiving of digital chemical data. Professor Hartshorn has taken a strategic role in this area, including initiation and support of work that will lead to development of standards for data repositories, building on the platform of the JCAMP spectral data standard and the InChI. Both JCAMP-DX and InChI are globally-accepted standards currently used in major scientific databases and publications.  We believe that a continuing close working relationship with CODATA will be mutually beneficial as the Missions of both organizations are in alignment – working to support the free exchange of scientific information and facilitating global collaboration for the advancement of scientific discovery. 

IUPAC’s interest in digital data standards accelerated in 2013 when Jeremy Frey, the current IUPAC representative to CODATA, put forth a proposal for the creation of a “Digital IUPAC,” recommending that IUPAC develop standards in collaboration with other scientific organizations and governments for the creation of a consistent global framework for Human and Machine-readable (and “understandable”) chemical information.  This proposal resulted in the creation of the IUPAC Committee on Publications and Cheminformatics Data Standards (CPCDS) whose members have since been involved in collaborative efforts with the Research Data Alliance, the InChI Trust, the Royal Society of Chemistry, Allotrope Foundation, and others, including CODATA. IUPAC members are making a significant contribution to the Digital Representation of Units of Measure (DRUM) Task Group, and Professor Hartshorn, as the Executive Committee Liaison to the DRUM Task Group has been heavily involved in its work, and has essentially become a member.

While IUPAC, through its Divisions and Standing Committees, has other digital data initiatives underway, we listed just a few above to demonstrate our commitment to the development of standards for digital chemical information. Professor Hartshorn is a major force in moving IUPAC forward in this arena. We believe that having an experienced, data-oriented IUPAC Senior Executive serve as a member of the CODATA Executive Committee will reinforce the already strong relationship that exists between our organizations and allow us to collaboratively move forward in building standards for the digital future of science. 

Professor Christopher
IUPAC President Chair

Brett Leah McEwen

Professor Jeremy Frey
IUPAC Delegate to CODATA

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: November 2021 Edition

Youth set stage for Americans and Caribbean Regional Platform 
Young people from across the Americas and the Caribbean have asked for a greater role in preparing and implementing policies to reduce disaster risk in one of the most hazard-prone regions of the world. The Youth Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction is an opportunity for some of the region’s 106 million young people to share priorities, concerns and make proposals over four hours of presentations, plenary sessions and panels.

Climate risk assessment gaps: seamless integration of weather and climate information for community resilience
Understanding climate and weather impacts is essential for risk assessment and building resilience. In this blog, Bapon Fakhruddin and Jana Sillmann examine how collaborative digital platforms to integrate and share weather and climate information could support risk assessment.

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction with Bapon Fakhruddin
October 13 marked the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction – a UN observed day that highlights the importance of international cooperation to reduce disaster risk and save lives. For Tonkin + Taylor Technical Director – DRR and Natural Hazards, Bapon Fakhruddin, protecting communities vulnerable to disaster became his life’s work. In recognition of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, we asked Bapon to reflect on his journey in DRR, how DRR has interfaced with climate change, and advice to share with the emerging generation of DRR practitioners.

UNDRR-ISC Hazard Definition & Classification Review – Technical Report
The UNDRR/ISC Sendai Hazard Definition and Classification Review Technical Report supports all other agreements such as the Sendai framework, sustainable development goals-agenda 2030 and the Paris agreement by providing a common set of hazard definitions for monitoring and reviewing implementation which calls for “a data revolution, rigorous accountability mechanisms and renewed global partnerships”

COP26: Special report on Climate Change and Health
Extreme heat, floods, droughts, wildfires and hurricanes: 2021 has broken many records. Health and equity are central to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and to making COP26 a success. Protecting health requires action well beyond the health sector, in energy, transport, nature, food systems, finance and more. The ten recommendations outlined in this report – and the action points, resources and case studies that support them – provide concrete examples of interventions that, with support, can be scaled up rapidly to safeguard our health and our climate.

How Atma and The Nature Conservancy Joined Forces to Share Resources for the Disaster Risk Reduction Community
The Atma Connect tech team landed a contract to build a robust learning platform to serve this audience, the team leapt into action. Here’s a look at how the tech team quickly created a platform for The Nature Conservancy to support DRR professionals and humanitarian organizations in how to use nature to reduce coastal disaster risk

New report offers concrete steps for risk-informed investment
The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) launched a new report this week – Delivering risk-informed investment: addressing the barriers – which offers eight concrete areas where stakeholders can take immediate action to incorporate disaster risk into their investment decisions.

International Cooperation in Disaster Risk Reduction: Target F
This report highlights low levels of investments in disaster prevention and disaster risk reduction for the world’s most vulnerable countries. The costs benefits of investing in prevention and resilience have been demonstrated time and time again, but for every US$100 of disaster-related Overseas Development Assistance (ODA), only 50 cents are invested in protecting development from the impact of disasters.

USA: Federal Climate Adaptation Plans 
As directed by President Biden’s January 28, 2021, Executive Order 14008, major Federal agencies are required to develop an adaptation and resilience plan to address their most significant climate risks and vulnerabilities. On October 7, 2021, the White House announced the release of more than 20 Federal Agency Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plans

1-12 November – COP26 – Glasgow
COP26 Summit runs from the 31st October till the 12th of November. The aim is to bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris agreement and the UN framework on climate change.

Fifth Arab Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, 8 November 2021 – 11 November 2021 Online Rabat Morocco
Hosted by the Government of Morocco, the Fifth Arab Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction will be organised under the theme “From Risk to Resilience: Accelerating Local Action for Disaster Risk Reduction” from 8 to 11 November 2021.

International Data Week 2022, 8-11 Nov 2021, Seoul, South Korea
The International Science Council’s Committee on Data (CODATA) and World Data System (WDS), and the Research Data Alliance (RDA) are delighted to announce that the 2021 edition of International Data Week (IDW 2021) will be held on 8–11 November 2021 in Seoul, South Korea.

Eighth Africa Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 
The Government of the Republic of Kenya will host the Eighth Africa Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Seventh High-Level Meeting on Disaster Risk Reduction from 16-19 November 2021. The Africa Regional Platform will be held under the overarching theme: “Towards disaster, Risk informed Development for a Resilient Africa in a COVID-19 Transformed World.”

World Tsunami Awareness Day 2021: Pacific Webinar
In 2021, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) will position the World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD) as an opportunity to advocate for reducing tsunami risk globally in the context of the “Safe Ocean” outcome of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) and the promotion of International Cooperation to Developing Countries, the chosen target for this year’s edition of the Sendai Seven Campaign.

October 2021: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Towards Globally Unique Identification of Physical Samples: Governance and Technical Implementation of the IGSN Global Sample Number
Author: Jens Klump, Kerstin Lehnert, Damian Ulbricht, Anusuriya Devaraju, Kirsten Elger, Dirk Fleischer, Sarah Ramdeen, Lesley Wyborn
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2021-033
Title: Application Profile for Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans
Author: Tomasz Miksa , Paul Walk, Peter Neish, Simon Oblasser, Hollydawn Murray, Tom Renner, Marie-Christine Jacquemot-Perbal, João Cardoso, Trond Kvamme, Maria Praetzellis, Marek Suchánek, Rob Hooft, Benjamin Faure, Hanne Moa, Adil Hasan, Sarah Jones
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/ds,j-2021-032
Title: A Survey of Researchers’ Needs and Priorities for Data Sharing
Author: Iain Hrynaszkiewicz, James Harney, Lauren Cadwallader
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/ds,j-2021-031
Title: Do I-PASS for FAIR? Measuring the FAIR-ness of Research Organizations
Author: J. Ringersma , M. Miedema
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/ds,j-2021-030

September 2021: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Time-Series Trend of Pandemic SARS-CoV-2 Variants Visualized Using Batch-Learning Self-Organizing Map for Oligonucleotide Compositions
Author: Takashi Abe, Ryuki Furukawa, Yuki Iwasaki, Toshimichi Ikemura
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2021-029
Title: Open Access and Data Sharing of Nucleotide Sequence Data
Author: Masanori Arita
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/ds,j-2021-028
Title: Public Health Benefits and Ethical Aspects in the Collection and Open Sharing of Wastewater-Based Epidemic Data on COVID-19
Author: Ryo Honda, Michio Murakami, Akihiko Hata, Masaru Ihara
URL: http://doi.org/10.5334/ds,j-2021-027

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: October 2021 Edition

UNDP launches new Insurance and Risk Finance Facility
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched the Insurance and Risk Finance Facility (IRFF), a new initiative that aims to build financial resilience and bridge a $1.4 trillion global health, mortality, and disaster protection gap, with support from the insurance-linked securities (ILS) market expected in future.

NASA Test Satellite Provides Insight into Hurricane Ida
In 2022, NASA will launch a constellation of six small satellites (smallsats) to improve our understanding of tropical cyclones and support NASA’s TROPICS mission. But before then, NASA launched the TROPICS pathfinder, a test satellite that aids the TROPICS mission by enabling full testing of the technology, communication systems, data processing, and data flow to application users in advance of the constellation’s launch next year.

Global citizens and scientists on how to achieve a thriving net-zero future
This article is part of the ISC’s new series, Transform21, which will explore the state of knowledge and action, five years on from the Paris Agreement and in a pivotal year for action on sustainable development.

Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic – achieving resilience for the next health emergency
A new strategic document was officially presented at the “Lessons learned from COVID-19: getting ready for the next pandemic” event, on 13 September – part of the 71st session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (RC71).

Climate change threatens sustainable development
If the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are to be achieved by 2030, the risks posed by human-induced climate change must be understood and addressed. The World Meteorological Organization has published a new report on Climate Indicators and Sustainable Development: Demonstrating the Interconnections.

The data side of leaving no one behind
An approach called data landscaping has been developed –  its scope covers the political economy of data within a country; the structures and standards that govern the collection, production and sharing of data; the information systems themselves; and the culture that drives the demand for, and use of data.

Country Hydromet Diagnostics 
Global threats and challenges related to climate change and the impact of extreme weather events are rising, and demand to provide high-quality weather, climate, hydrological, and related environmental information services – referred to as HYDROMET – is rapidly increasing.

Financing the UN Development System: Time to Meet the Moment
In 2020, the global extreme poverty rate rose for the first time in over 20 years, with hundreds of millions of people pushed back into extreme poverty and chronic hunger. Member States and UN entities have a mutual responsibility to demonstrate proactive and transformational leadership in ensuring an adequate multilateral response, while also looking ahead to strengthen global and regional risk reduction..

The Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes (1970–2019)
The Atlas is WMO’s most exhaustive compilation to date of fatalities and economic costs from natural hazards. It provides comprehensive details of recorded disasters and their impacts, both at the global and regional levels.

Creating Resilient Communities With Medium-Range Hazard Warning Systems
Resilience to natural hazards requires integrated risk management – from hazard identification and risk register, hazard warnings and risk communication, to preparation for and response when an event occurs. Medium-range hazard warnings play a vital role in strategic and tactical planning for resilience to natural hazards.

The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning
The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning (CM4EW) is an international and transparent multi-source, consensus assessment of the crop growing conditions, status, and agro-climatic conditions that are likely to impact global production. The CM4EW reports on climate hazards, such as drought, flood, and extreme weather, as well as pests and crop diseases, as part of its monitoring of countries at risk of famine and to provide early warnings of impending crop shortfalls.

Podcast: Data-Knowledge-Action for Urban Systems
The Data-Knowledge-Action for Urban Systems podcast series explores systems used to build intelligent urban systems. The series reflects on the systematic changes required for cities to become adaptive and intelligent for handling urban wellbeing.

Pacific Prepared – How the tragedies of the past can help protect us in the future.
An Advanced Tsunami Hazard Assessment has been recently conducted in Fiji – the assessment and findings from Fiji also present several factors to consider for the entire Pacific. Technical Director – DRR and Climate Resilience Dr Bapon Shm Fakhruddin recently featured on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Radio show ‘Pacific Prepared’, sharing his perspective on the assessment and what authorities need to do now to make communities better prepared and protected from the threat of a tsunami.

Auckland Climate Change Festival
The Auckland Climate Festival will converge around five themes – Collective Vision, Systems Change, Individual Action, Just Transitions and lastly, Beyond Tamaki.

United Nations World Data Forum 2021 – 3-6 October 
The ​​UN World Data Forum brings together data and statistical experts and users from governments, civil society, the private sector, donor and philanthropic bodies, international and regional agencies, the geospatial community, the media, academia and professional bodies.

Virtual SciDataCon 2021
CODATA and WDS are pleased to announce that the REGISTRATION IS OPEN for Virtual SciDataCon 2021.

Webinar Series: Modern Technologies for Disaster Management 
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is hosting a series of webinars on these 4IR technologies presenting a chance to learn from and engage with leading experts from around the world as they discuss opportunities and challenges associated with these technologies and their use in disaster management.

Conference on Climate Change and Health in Small Island Developing States: Focus on the Caribbean 
The Conference on Climate Change and Health in Small Island Developing States is an immersion in the science of climate change and health in the Caribbean, identifying knowledge gaps, posing solutions, resource sharing, networking, and empowerment.

2021 CAP Implementation Workshop
The 2021 Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementation Workshop will be conducted as an online Webinar. Everyone interested in emergency alerting is welcome: managers, technical staff, media, including those in government, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and commercial organisations.