Category Archives: DRR and Open DATA newsletter

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: July 2020 Edition

WMO launches E-learning platform for hazard alerts
WMO has developed a set of E-learning resources and courses for the Common Alerting Protocol, which is an internationally-recognized standard for dissemination of warnings of extreme weather hazards to the public and to disaster management authorities.

COVID-19: Strengthening business resilience through peer-to-peer support
Almost three months after the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Americas and the Caribbean, data is showing how deeply the private sector has been affected, as some businesses are being forced to close while others are struggling to continue operating due to limitations in markets and supply chains.

How the World Bank is Mitigating the Impacts of COVID-19 in the Health Sector
The World Bank Group has been helping client countries respond to the global health, social, and economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. The scale and speed of the response has been critical in helping countries mitigate the adverse impacts of the crisis and prioritise the human capital investments that can accelerate recovery. Broadly, these operations focus on three priority areas.

Gender lens essential to addressing linked climate change and security crises urges joint UN report
A new report by the UNEP, UN Women, the UNDP, and the UNDPPA reveals the close links between gender, climate, and security, and shows that women on the frontlines of climate action are playing a vital role in conflict prevention and sustainable, inclusive peace.

Global partnership urges stronger preparation for hot weather during COVID-19
As the Northern Hemisphere enters what is expected to be another record-breaking heat season, a global network of health and climate experts supported by WMO have called for stronger preparation to keep people safe in hot weather without increasing the risk of the spread of COVID-19.

How can El Niño long-range warning systems provide real benefits?
Can the impacts of drought be minimised with an effective long-range warning system (LRWS)?

SDSN TReNDS Releases New Report on Data Sharing Agreements and Cross-Sector Data Collaboration
COVID-19 has generated new data demands and increased cross-sector data collaboration. Yet, these data collaborations require careful planning and evaluation of risks and opportunities. Data sharing agreements (DSAs) are written agreements that establish the terms for how data are shared between parties and are important for establishing accountability and trust. In a new report, Laying the Foundation for Effective Partnerships: An Examination of Data Sharing Agreements, SDSN TReNDS reviews their online library of DSAs and consider how six major issues, including data use, access, breaches, proprietary issues, publicisation of the analysis, and deletion of data are addressed in the agreements.

WWF – COVID-19: Urgent Call to Protect People and Nature
COVID-19: Urgent Call to Protect People and Nature shows that the key drivers for the emergence of zoonotic diseases are land-use change, expansion and the intensification of agriculture and animal production, and the consumption of high-risk wildlife. WWF urges governments, companies and individuals to tackle these key drivers and so create a healthier world for people and our planet.

Working with the environment to protect people: UNEP’s COVID-19 response
In this report, the UN Environment Programme lays out how it is adjusting its work in response to COVID-19 through supporting nations and partners to “build back better”.

UNDRR: Monitoring the Implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030: A Snapshot of Reporting for 2018
This report outlines how Member States are monitoring their implementation of the Sendai Framework. It is for the first time that an analysis is being published of the data that Member States have shared as part of the official global indicator system of the Sendai Framework comprising the seven targets and 38 indicators.

TechWeek Festival – Smart Resilient Cities: Cast and Converse (28 July + 30 July)
The Smart Resilient Cities Cast and Converse series is a share, learn, and networking opportunity to launch conversations about the macro trends and social innovations that are shaping our increasingly digital urban environments. There are two sessions focussing on Technology for Public Good – Session 1. Networking cities in a changing world: Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics (BDA) + Session 2.  What’s the potential for an Earthquake early-warning (EEW) system in Aotearoa, New Zealand?

Webinar – July 12 – July 15: 45th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop
The 45th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, will look at how we can maintain hope in this era of environmental extremes and how our communities can set an agenda for a resilient future.

Webinar: Climate risks and TCFD implementation: Focus on Middle East and Africa​
This two-part webinar organised by UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) will explore climate risks and opportunities, including the significance and impact of climate risks on financial institutions, with a focus on Middle East and Africa. Further, the webinar will cover a deep-dive on implementation of the Task-Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. This is the first part of a series of UNEP FI webinars on climate risks and TCFD for Middle East and Africa.

Deadline extended to 31 July 2020: Essay Competition: Open Data Challenges to Address Global and Societal Issues
The first of its kind, CODATA Connect Early Career and Alumni Network in collaboration with the CODATA Data Science Journal (DSJ) is organising an Essay Competition for Early Career Researchers (ECR), defined as university undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate students or early career researchers within five years of completing their highest qualification.

CODATA Webinar: Publishing your Data with an Excellent Supplementary Article
The good old scientific article has served us for ages, but is unreadable for machines. We still need it, but its role is now more and more a form of rich, human-readable metadata to the data created and interpreted and leading to some scientific claims in the article. Publishing data as ‘supplementary to an article’ is not considered good practice in the new FAIR world of Open Science and therefore the mindset should change and that change should be rewarded to more dynamic and machine-readable scholarly communication.

Webinar: Is this drought normal? How EO data can help you understand drought hazard and benchmark your risk
Drought is one of the main natural causes of agricultural, economic, and environmental damage. The effects of drought on the environment and agriculture are evident after a long period with a shortage of precipitation, making it very difficult to determine the onset of drought, its extent and end. This webinar will present how Earth Observation data with different spatial and temporal resolution can provide information on drought events.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: June 2020 Edition

World Bank: To strengthen climate resilience, countries must strengthen economic resilience
Country-specific reforms need to be at the core of building macro-financial resilience and capacity to deal with climate-related risks. But because there seems to be a positive correlation between macro-financial and climate-related risks, support from the international community is also important. In this update, the World Bank has provided analysis to aid government policies.

WMO: Global partnership urges stronger preparation for hot weather during COVID-19
As the Northern Hemisphere enters what is expected to be another record-breaking heat season, a global network of health and climate experts supported by WMO has called for stronger preparation to keep people safe in hot weather without increasing the risk of the spread of COVID-19.

Advances highlighted in climate risk and early warning systems
As the world continues to manage COVID-19 and looks at ensuring that the recovery addresses climate change threats, the significance of advanced multi-hazard threat warnings and risk information has never been more widely acknowledged.

This is highlighted in the 2019 Annual Report of the Climate Risk & Early Warning Systems (CREWS) initiative, released jointly by the WMO, the GFDRR, and the UNDRR.

UNDRR: COVID-19 puts human rights of millions at risk
Loretta Hieber Girardet, chief of the UNDRR Asia and the Pacific Regional Office said the office would focus on the impact of emergency measures on freedom of expression, rising xenophobia, human rights of migrants and persons deprived of their liberty.

WMO: updates guidelines on multi-hazard impact-based forecast and warning systems
The World Meteorological Organization is updating its 2015 Guidelines on Multi-Hazard Impact-Based Forecast and Warning Services (IBFWS), which promote best practice in the development of effective hydrometeorological warning systems to improve public safety.

Are we there yet? The transition from response to recovery
As the world transitions to recovering from COVID-19, those developing that recovery need support in adjusting and improving their policies and measures. This paper provides a set of policy directions to be considered during the transition towards, as well as throughout, this transition phase. For a link to the full webinar, head here.

UNDRR Asia-Pacific brief: Business resilience in the face of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on businesses across Asia-Pacific. This brief highlights the challenges businesses face in building their resilience and offers recommendations to business owners and policymakers.

UNU-INWEH: Water and migration: A global overview
This report aims to support the United Nations (UN) and its partners in developing climate-sensitive conflict prevention approaches.

SDSN TReNDS Releases New Report, “Leaving No One Off The Map: A Guide For Gridded Population Data For Sustainable Development”
Drawing from an extensive literature review and interviews with key data providers and users in the POPGRID Data Collaborative, this new report presents an overview, analysis, and recommendations for the use of gridded population datasets in a wide range of application areas, such as in disaster response, health interventions, and survey planning.

Strengthening preparedness for COVID-19 in cities and urban settings
This document is to support local authorities, leaders and policy-makers in cities and other urban settlements in identifying effective approaches and implementing recommended actions that enhance the prevention, preparedness and readiness for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in urban settings, to ensure a robust response and eventual recovery.

UNESCO: How to respond to tsunamis in times of social distancing? Follow the regional guidelines
These guidelines aid to clarify possible confusion generated by COVID-19 sanitary priorities and regulations in regard to response actions during a tsunami warning such as evacuation and sheltering.

Reviewing the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) to Enhance Societal Readiness for El Niño’s Impacts
In this article, it is proposed that the ONI value of 0.7 °C identifies a tipping point at which the El Niño event becomes locked in, which can provide an additional lead time for mitigative actions to be taken by societal decision-makers.

June 9: Could El Niño Long Range Warning System help countries manage the effects of severe weather events?
Currently, many countries are experiencing severe drought. Could the impacts of drought have been minimised with an effective long-range warning system (LRWS)?Join us for a free webinar as we discuss this important matter.

GEO Virtual Symposium 2020 (15-19 June)
The GEO Virtual Symposium 2020 is less than one month away! The schedule of events taking place from June 15-19 has just been released – entirely online.

CODATA: Smart and Sustainable Cities Datathon (Registration ends June 30)
The Smart Datathon will create the environment for early career researchers and data science enthusiasts to create insights and models from extracting and analysing open data sources from various open platforms in order to develop novel solutions that will lead to real-world solutions, benefiting the cities and the society at large.

Webinar: Glacier Loss and the Climate Change Crisis: Evidence from Patagonia and the Last Glacial Maximum (June 16) ​
The Centre for Crisis Studies and Mitigation at The University of Manchester invites you for a virtual session. The talk will be followed by moderated Q&A via Zoom Chat.

Webinar: Disaster Resilient Infrastructure: A Tale of Two Floods (June 23)
The Centre for Crisis Studies and Mitigation at The University of Manchester invites you to a virtual session on how globally rainfall patterns are changing due to climate change, and the major challenges to the resilience infrastructure.

UNESCO Global Consultations on Open Science: deadline 15 June.
Are you a scientist, a publisher, a science policymaker or someone with experience and interest in Open Science? Your input is important to the UNESCO process. Please participate in the survey designed to collect inputs for the development of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: May 2020 Edition

A Data Ecosystem to defeat COVID-19
Bapon Fakhruddin discusses why the COVID-19 pandemic requires thinking and decision making supported by a data ecosystem which looks much further into the future than previous short-term approaches.

In Low-Income Countries Fundamental Data Issues Remain for COVID-19 Response
How are LICs responding to COVID-19 and what are some of the issues we need to bear in mind when using new data sources to respond to the pandemic in these contexts?

In the Fight Against COVID-19: What Do We Know and To Whom Can We Turn For Answers
What do policymakers and the general public need to know about the data available (or lack of) and how can we best remain informed? 

A Blog from ISC-WDS: knowledge service for disaster risk reduction: a practice using big data technology
Under the dual influences of global climate change and human activities, the frequency and the intensity of natural disasters have been growing in recent years, and resulting in increasingly serious disaster losses. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is thus a common and urgent global challenge

Why open science is critical in combatting COVID-19
The OECD is compiling data, analysis and recommendations on a range of topics to address the emerging health, economic and societal crisis, facilitate co-ordination, and contribute to the necessary global action when confronting this enormous collective challenge.

Conflict prevention in the era of climate change: Adapting the UN to climate-security risks
This report aims to support the United Nations (UN) and its partners in developing climate-sensitive conflict prevention approaches.

COVID-19 small business continuity and recovery planning toolkit
The outbreak of COVID-19 has created a vicious circle of vulnerabilities across the private sector. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and partners published a toolkit to provide business continuity and recovery planning support to affected small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

ESCAP: Asia and the Pacific SDG progress report 2020
This report analyses trends as well as data availability for monitoring progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Asia and the Pacific and its five subregions. It assesses gaps which must be closed to achieve the goals by 2030.

UNESCO: World Water Development Report 2020
The 2020 edition of the World Water Development Report (WWDR 2020) entitled ‘Water and Climate Change’ aims at helping the water community to tackle the challenges of climate change and informing the climate change community about the opportunities that improved water management offers in terms of adaptation and mitigation.

Disaster Recovery Framework Guide
This is a revised and updated version of the Disaster Recovery Framework (DRF) guide that was originally issued in 2015 has been published in March 2020.
The guide is intended as a practice-based, results-focused tool to assist governments and partners in planning for resilient post-disaster recovery following a large-scale disaster.

COVID-19 – Transition from response to recovery (T+T) – Webinar – 12 May
The pandemic is unchartered territory for most of us but responding to it is business-as-usual for disaster risk reduction specialists. Tonkin + Taylor, in partnership with Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), Committee on Data (CODATA) of the International Science Council (ISC), has brought together four of the world’s leading disaster response experts to share the lessons learned from large-scale disasters and how they can be applied to the coronavirus pandemic recovery.

COVID-19: Opportunities for Resilient Recovery – Webinar – 7 May
The webinar will aim to highlight lessons learned from past disaster recovery events, and consider how countries can start preparing for a recovery that is climate-sensitive, inclusive and contributes to global efforts to build more resilient systems that are better placed to prevent such crises in the future.

Data-Driven Decision-Maker: Business Analytics Executive Overview – May 11 2020 – May 11 2021
This course will focus on understanding key analytics concepts and the breadth of analytic possibilities. Together, the class will explore dozens of real-world analytics problems and solutions across most major industries and business functions. The course will also touch on analytic technologies, architectures, and roles from business intelligence to data science, and from data warehouses to data lakes. And the course will wrap up with a discussion of analytics trends and futures.

Call for paper – 12th Annual European DDI User Conference (EDDI20), DDI – The Basis of Managing the Data Life Cycle
The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) is an international standard for describing the data produced by surveys and other observational methods in the social, behavioral, economic, and health sciences. For the European DDI User Conference 2020, we are seeking presentations, talks, papers, posters on all things DDI.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: April 2020 Edition

CODATA GO FAIR, RDA, and WDS outline their joint commitment to optimise the global research data ecosystem and identify the opportunities and needs that will trigger federated infrastructures to service the new reality of data-driven science.
A first concrete example of this is the following – ‘Data Together COVID-19 Appeal and Actions’. The COVID-19 pandemic presents a major test for our science system and for our research and data infrastructures.  These infrastructures, such as open science clouds and data commons, must serve the needs of science, policy, and humanity not only in ‘normal times’, but also in times of crisis by providing controlled access to quality data in real-time and at scale for a range of scientific- and policy-related responses –

Disaster expert shares COVID-19 lessons from China
A serious shortage of medical resources was one of the main challenges which China had to overcome to stabilize the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, Hubei, where a mortality rate of 4.7% was recorded compared with 0.9% in the country’s 30 other provinces.

CODATA President, Barend Mons ‘World View’ Opinion Piece in Nature: ‘Invest 5% of research funds in ensuring data are reusable’
‘It is irresponsible to support research but not data stewardship’, says Barend Mons.

How South Korea is suppressing COVID-19
Trace, test and treat. That sums up the strategy pursued by the Republic of Korea since it detected its first case of COVID-19 on January 20 and its first death on February 20, without imposing a lockdown.

CODATA: Call for expression of interest for contribution to the Linked Open Data for Global Disaster Risk Research
The first policy brief is expected to be released in August 2020. The global pandemic is a powerful reminder of the necessity of the international community’s intensified and sustained commitment to emergency preparedness.  We are thus inviting experts in disaster risk reduction data and policy issues to collaborate on preparing these documents.

Information is power – Climate services reach 10.2 million people
UNDP-supported climate information and early warning systems projects have reached 10.2 million people in the past 12 years. Explore the power of information to supercharge progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals.

UNECE: Recommendations on the role of official statistics in measuring hazardous events and disasters
This publication clarifies the role of NSOs and other members of NSS in providing information related to hazardous events and disasters, and identifies practical steps that these organisations can take, in coordination with national agencies responsible for disaster risk management, to better support disaster risk management efforts.

UNESCO: World Water Development report 2020
The 2020 edition of the World Water Development Report (WWDR 2020) entitled ‘Water and Climate Change’ aims at helping the water community tackle the challenges of climate change and informing the climate change community about the opportunities that improved water management offers in terms of adaptation and mitigation.

Mami Mizutori: Reflection on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: Five Years Since Its Adoption
Five years ago member states of the United Nations (UN) adopted the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015) in Sendai, Japan, a city still recovering from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

Climate risk and response: Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts
In this report, the focus is on understanding the nature and extent of physical risk from a changing climate over the next one to three decades, exploring physical risk as it is the basis of both transition and liability risks.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) “Infodemic” and Emerging Issues through a Data Lens: The Case of China
Mainly based on Chinese newspapers, social media and other digital platform data, this paper analyzes the timeline of the key actions taken by the government and people over three months in five different phases.

Considerations about the Cascading Effects of COVID-19 on Critical Infrastructure Sectors
This paper is offered in an effort to better understand not just the way a pandemic affects various critical infrastructure sectors, but to illustrate the cascading and escalating effects across the United States in various ways.

NASA: Introductory Webinar: Satellite Remote Sensing for Agricultural Applications – 14 April, 20 April, 5 May
This training will address how to use remote sensing data for agriculture monitoring, specifically drought and crop monitoring. The webinar will also provide end-users the ability to evaluate which regions of the world agricultural productivity is above or below long-term trends. This informs decisions pertaining to market stability and humanitarian relief.

International Science Council Webinar: Transforming science communication for transformations to sustainability – 15 April
This webinar will look at why developments in science communication matter for transformations to sustainability, communicating about ongoing transdisciplinary research with new audiences in an inclusive and ethical way, and how today’s communications tools can be used to foreground voices that are frequently marginalised in climate change debates.

NASA: Introductory Webinar: Using the UN Biodiversity Lab to Support National Conservation and Sustainable Development Goals
This training, offered in partnership with the UN Development Programme (UNDP), will teach participants about global biodiversity-based uses of remote sensing

SDSN – Happiness & Sustainability Around the Earth – 24-hour webinar 22 April
Join experts from SDSN’s global network as they share how they are building a happier world.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: March 2020 Edition

COVID-19 could cost world $1 Trillion if it becomes a pandemic, analysts predict
The ghastly prospect that the coronavirus outbreak could become the first truly disruptive pandemic of the globalisation era is renewing doubts over the stability of the world economy.

UNDP and UNDRR to step up action on climate and disaster risk
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) signed a joint partnership agreement on 21 February, to step up collaboration on three priority areas to accelerate the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the UN Plan of Action on Disaster Risk Reduction

SDSN TReNDS Debuts Roundtable on “Governing the Data Revolution”
Data is critical to achieving the SDGs, and while new data sources can offer many solutions to fill these crucial gaps, they need to be carefully managed. In a new roundtable debate from SDSN TReNDS, a selection of members discuss the role of traditional vs. new data methods, policy and regulatory needs for data governance, and where to invest to maximize value.

Helping shape new flood forecasting services in the Wellington region, New Zealand
Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) are embarking on a programme to establish improved flood forecasting services across the Wellington Region on New Zealand’s north island.

Australia: Climate changes threatens research itself
A collaborative study between The University of Queensland and RMIT found extreme climate change weather events such as bushfires, hailstorms and floods impacted on research production.

Tonkin + Taylor provides Dominica with EWS support
T+T’s Dr Bapon Fakhruddin has been tasked by the United Nations Development Programme for Dominica to help produce Dominica’s new multi-hazard impact-based early warning system.

2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV): Strategic preparedness and response plan
This strategic preparedness and response plan outlines the public health measures that the international community stands ready to provide to support all countries to prepare for and respond to 2019‑nCoV. The document takes what has been learned so far about the virus and translates that knowledge into strategic action that can guide the efforts of all national and international partners when developing context-specific national and regional operational plans.

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Transport Networks and Nodes
Extreme weather events, some of which are increasing in intensity and frequency, as well as slower onset climate changes (for example, sea level rise) and cumulative effects can result in transportation infrastructure damages, operational disruptions, and pressures on supply chain capacity and efficiency. As such, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Group of Experts on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Transport Networks and Nodes (the Group of Experts) has been analysing the impacts of climate change on main transport assets in the ECE region, as presented in this report.

Nature risk rising: Why the crisis engulfing nature matters for business and the economy
Nature Risk Rising, produced in collaboration with PwC and the first report in the NNE series, explains how nature-related risks matter to business, why they must be urgently mainstreamed into risk management strategies and why it is vital to prioritise the protection of nature’s assets and services within the broader global economic growth agenda.

Climate risk and response: Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts
In this report, the focus is on understanding the nature and extent of physical risk from a changing climate over the next one to three decades, exploring physical risk as it is the basis of both transition and liability risks.

Cost-benefit analysis of flood early warning system in the Karnali River Basin of Nepal
Nepal is severely flood-prone and ranks 20th worldwide in terms of flood-affected population. Although it is widely acknowledged that both national and community-based early warning systems (EWS) can reduce the impact of floods, studies quantifying the cost-benefits remain scarce. This study analyses the costs and benefits of the EWS in the Lower Karnali River Basin in Nepal through 453 household surveys, 30 focus group discussions and 40 key informant interviews.

Sustainable and FAIR Data sharing in the humanities
The ALLEA report “Sustainable and FAIR Data Sharing in the Humanities” provides key recommendations to make digital data in the humanities “Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable”, in line with the FAIR principles.

Sustainable Research + Innovation Congress 2020 – 14-17 June – Brisbane, Australia
The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2020 (SRI2020) is the world’s first transdisciplinary gathering in sustainability – it will be a space of fierce advocacy for sustainability scholarship and innovation, collaboration and action.

Workshop on Impact-based Forecast and Warning Services for Members of WMO/UNESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones – 29 March-2 April – Muscat, Oman
This joint effort is an outcome of recent strengthened inter-regional cooperation on building the resilience to face extreme events, including tropical cyclones disasters. The workshop aims to build early warning skills in risk assessment and predicting the impact of tropical cyclones.

Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2020 – 29 June-2 July- Brisbane, Australia
Attracting more than 3,000 delegates from over 40 countries, the APMCDRR is the largest gathering in the Asia-Pacific to progress disaster risk reduction efforts. Participants include ministers, government officials, representatives of the private sector, non-for-profits, civil society, and vulnerable groups.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: February 2020 Edition

Bushfire crisis: More than half of all Australians found to have been directly affected
More than half of all Australians have been directly affected by the summer’s bushfire crisis, including millions suffering health effects, according to a new survey from the Australia Institute.

How AI is battling the coronavirus outbreak
AI helped spot an early warning about the outbreak, and researchers have used flight traveller data to figure out where the novel coronavirus could pop up next.

Philippines lowers Taal Volcano alerts as eruptions wane
The alert was reduced to 3 from 4 out of a 5 rating-scale, says the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. The agency has cautioned the downgrade “should not be interpreted that unrest has ceased or that the threat of a hazardous eruption has disappeared.”

Thailand: Government sets up water crisis centre
With Thailand facing a drought disaster, the government has set up a special command centre chaired by the Prime Minister, to handle the crisis and assist affected villages.

Major boost for disaster risk management in Vanuatu
The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors has approved a contingent US$10 million in support to Vanuatu that will strengthen the island nation’s resilience to disasters, support climate adaption, and help manage its debt.

Deep data helps cities prepare for disasters
Disaster response experts have begun utilising non-traditional data sources to assist with planning including high-resolution images from satellites and drones, localised temperature and seismic intelligence from microsensors, and open data repositories such as social media activity to street maps from thousands of volunteer digital cartographers.

World Economic Forum: The top risks facing the world in 2020
The World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Report identifies the top threats facing the world by likelihood and extent of impact, and names failure to mitigate and adapt to climate change as the key concern for the Forum’s network of business leaders, NGOs, academics and others.

Using mobile phone surveys to track survey resilience and post-disaster recovery: A how-to guide
Around the world, increasing access to mobile technologies is making it easier (and cheaper) to gather information about people’s lives and livelihoods, allowing it to inform development and humanitarian activities.

Preferences for improved early warning services among coastal communities at risk in cyclone prone south-west region of Bangladesh
This study aims to estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) for improved warning services by considering the at-risk households’ trade-off between proposed improved EWS and existing EWS in coastal Bangladesh.

Early warning action report on food security and agriculture (Jan-March 2020)
The report provides a quarterly forward-looking analysis of major disaster risks to food security and agriculture, specifically highlighting potential new emergencies resulting from imminent disaster threats and new developments in countries already affected by protracted crises.

Australia’s annual climate statement 2019
Released through the Australian Government’s Bureau of Meteorology, 2019 has been noted as Australia’s warmest and driest year on record.

International Monetary Fund – Natural disaster insurance for sovereigns: issues, challenges and optimality
The paper discusses sovereign experience with disaster insurance as a key instrument to mitigate the risks; proposes ways to judge the adequacy of insurance; and considers ways to enhance its use by vulnerable countries.

OCHA – Latin America and the Caribbean: Natural disasters 2000-2019
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is the second most disaster-prone region in the world. Some 152 million people have been affected by 1,205 disasters (2000-2019). The collective impact of recurring climate shocks, most notably protracted droughts followed by seasonal flooding, leads to complex and multidimensional humanitarian needs.

UNDRR: Global Consultative Workshop – Scaling up DRR in Humanitarian/Development Contexts – 27 Feb – Geneva, Switzerland
The main objective of this workshop is to consider the extent to which DRR is currently integrated in humanitarian/development contexts, including the identification of barriers and enablers.

2020 Asia-Pacific Science and Technology Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APSTCDRR) – 16-17 Mar – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The 2020 Asia-Pacific Science and Technology Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction aims to provide an opportunity to the science, technology, and academia community in Asia and the Pacific to continue the much-needed science-policy dialogue to ensure that implementation of disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures are based on reliable science, technology and innovation.

The Sustainability Research and Innovation 2020 Congress – 14-17 June- Brisbane, Australia
The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2020 (SRI2020) will be a unique gathering to connect those at the forefront of sustainability science, innovation, funding, communication and implementation across sectors and disciplines.

Open Data Day 2020 – mini-grant scheme launch
This scheme will provide small funds to support the organisation of open data-related events across the world on Saturday 7th March 2020.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: December 2019/January 2020 Edition

UNDRR SRSG Mami Mizutori speaks in Auckland
The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (SRSG) for Disaster Risk Reduction and the head of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Mami Mizutori, recently spoke on resiliency and sustainable development at Tonkin + Taylor’s Auckland office. Click above for a link to the livestream video.

Fiji: Cyclone Early Warning System for Pacific goes live
An operational system has been developed and implemented for the Fiji Islands to produce and disseminate new early warning information on coastal flooding, which will help save lives and protect property in low-lying, populated coastal areas. For more on the CIFDP click the link above, and to listen to an interview with Bapon Fakhruddin on the development of the system, click here.

Countdown starts for Sendai 2020 deadline
Target (e) of the Sendai Framework’s seven targets, sets a 2020 deadline for developing national and local strategies for disaster risk reduction. The same deadline applies to UN member states finalising National Adaptation Plans under the Paris Agreement on climate.

Data For Now Inception Workshop in Rwanda
SDSN TReNDS recently joined the World Bank, the UN Statistics Division, The Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and representatives from eight very diverse countries (Bangladesh, Columbia, Ghana, Mongolia, Nepal, Paraguay, Rwanda, and Senegal) in Kigali, Rwanda to discuss priority data needs as part of the new Data For Now initiative.

Bangladeshi farmers reap the benefits of new weather forecasts
Customised weather forecasts delivered to smartphones and rural meeting halls are helping farmers in Bangladesh better manage crops in the field as rain becomes more erratic.

Asia and the Pacific set priorities for accelerated disaster risk reduction
In the face of growing disaster losses and risk in the Asia-Pacific region, government disaster risk management agencies, international organizations, and civil society groups met in Brisbane to agree on priorities for accelerating action for reducing the risk of disasters.

NASA Space Data Can Cut Disaster Response Times, Costs
According to a new study, emergency responders could cut costs and save time by using near-real-time satellite data along with other decision-making tools after a flooding disaster.

Yearbook of Global Climate Action 2019
The Yearbook of Global Climate Action 2019 takes stock, highlighting climate action success stories and the need for conditions conducive to stepped-up climate action, while the Climate Action Pathways suggest transformational actions and milestones towards neutrality in key areas, such as energy, industry, transport, human settlements, water, land use, and resilience to the inevitable effects of climate change.

Protecting our world heritage, insuring our sustainable future
The economic and social costs of natural disasters are escalating, and the insurance protection gap is widening. Protecting World Heritage Sites through their core business activities has been unclear to insurers. This guide shows that collaboration is essential and highlights the increasingly important role that the industry needs to play in protecting World Heritage Sites.

Climate Extremes and their Implications for Impact and Risk Assessment
Climate Extremes and Their Implications for Impact and Risk Assessment describes challenges, opportunities and methodologies for the analysis of the impacts of climate extremes across various sectors to support their impact and risk assessment.

UNDRR: Work Programme 2020-2021
The UNDRR Work Programme 2020-2021 outlines the plans to accelerate the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The plans are developed in line with the existing Strategic Framework covering 2016-2021 and focuses on the key results under each Strategic Objective of UNDRR.

Total Warning System for Tropical Cyclones
The IWTC is one of the WMO’s major quadrennial workshop series organised by its World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) and Tropical Cyclone Programme (TCP). The main objectives of these workshops were to examine current knowledge, forecasting and research trends on tropical cyclones from an integrated global perspective, and to report on these aspects while offering recommendations for future forecasting studies and research with special regard to the varying needs of different regions.

EGU General Assembly 2020 –  3-8 May, Vienna, Austria
The EGU General Assembly 2020 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

4th Arab Partnership Meeting for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) – 9-10 December – Cairo, Egypt
The 4th Arab Partnership meeting for Disaster Risk Reduction will be held in Cairo, Egypt. The two-day meeting will focus on updating governments and stakeholders on the progress in DRR in the region and will provide an opportunity for governments and partners to discuss the way forward for the region in implementing the Sendai Framework and achieving target E of the Sendai Framework by 2020.

Regional Assessment Report (RAR) on DRR for Arab States 2nd Editorial Committee Meeting (ECM) – 11 December – Cairo, Egypt
The Regional Assessment Report is an important initiative of the UNDRR – Regional Office for Arab States (ROAS) that contributes to the achievement of the Sendai Framework through monitoring risk patterns and trends and progress in disaster risk reduction in the Arab region while discussing various challenges and opportunities for development of Arab countries in DRR. The objective of developing this Regional assessment report is to give an overview on disaster risks in the region based on evidence-based analysis.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: November 2019 Edition

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Climate Change and Displacement
Climate change and natural disasters can add to and worsen the threats that force people to flee across international borders. The interplay between climate, conflict, poverty and persecution greatly increases the complexity of refugee emergencies.

Victoria, Australia – National Climate Change and Agriculture Plan Agreed
Australian ministers met in Melbourne at the Agricultural Ministers’ Forum to endorse a Victorian-led program that will facilitate collaboration between state and Commonwealth governments to meet the challenges of climate change and support the agriculture sector to adapt.

Flood forecasting a cyclone game-changer for Fiji
The ground-breaking project has developed and implemented a Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (MHEWS) that delivers an integrated approach to forecasting, monitoring and warning for coastal flooding, no matter what the cause – river or ocean.

Bangladesh to move Rohingya to flood-prone island 
Bangladesh will start relocating Rohingya Muslims to a flood-prone island off its coast as several thousand refugees have agreed to move. 

Tasman fire review finds shortfalls in New Zealand’s preparedness for large-scale blazes
A review of firefighting efforts during the Tasman fires last summer, which cost Fire and Emergency New Zealand $13 million, has found shortfalls in the number of skilled staff working in risk management.

UNSDSN TReNDS – SDG Financing Initiative
In 2018, SDSN launched and became the Co-Chair of a Working Group on SDG Costing & Financing with the IMF, OECD, and World Bank. This group convenes sector experts to aggregate their respective costing models and data for SDG targets, especially for low-income countries.

Addressing the Challenges of Drafting Contracts for Data Collaboration
Contracts for Data Collaboration (C4DC) is a new initiative seeking to address barriers to data collaboration. The partnership, launched in early 2019, has already yielded a number of outputs, including a project inception brief, the Contractual Wheel of Data Collaboration tool — which presents key considerations for the development of data sharing agreements — and an initial analytical framework.

GFDRR: Communication during disaster recovery
This Guide is intended primarily for local and national government officials and key decision-makers involved in disaster recovery planning and operations. It has been developed to support communication during recovery planning and operations in a range of different country contexts and any disaster type.

UNESCO Guidelines for Assessing Learning Facilities in the Context of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
For the celebrations of the International Day for Disaster Reduction 2019, UNESCO launched a new publication – The UNESCO Guidelines for Assessing Learning Facilities in the Context of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. The Guidelines follow VISUS methodology and come in three volumes – An Introduction to learning facilities assessment and to the VISUS MethodologyVISUS Methodology and VISUS Implementation

UNDRR Work Programme 2020-2021
The UNDRR Work Programme 2020-2021 outlines the plans to accelerate the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The plans are developed in line with the existing Strategic Framework covering 2016-2021 and focuses on the key results under each Strategic Objective of UNDRR.

Data Sharing at Scale: A Heuristic for Affirming Data Cultures
This essay introduces a heuristic for pursuing richer characterisations of the “data cultures” at play in international, interdisciplinary data sharing. The heuristic prompts cultural analysts to query the contexts of data sharing for a particular discipline, institution, geography, or project at seven scales – the meta, macro, meso, micro, techno, data, and nano.

Citizen science and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Citizen science is an emerging example of a non-traditional data source that is already making a contribution. In this Perspective, a roadmap is presented that outlines how citizen science can be integrated into the formal Sustainable Development Goals reporting mechanisms.

World Bosai Forum/International Disaster Risk Conference 2019 – (09-12 Nov, Sendai, Japan)
The World Bosai Forum proposes solutions from various points of view to enable disaster risk reduction in Japan and overseas and aims to promote the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

Big data, Big Impact? The Future of Gender-Sensitive Data Systems – (New York City, 12 November)
This event will showcase the results of a five-year research program on big data and gender, featuring groundbreaking projects that investigated the potential of new data sources to answer critical questions about the lives of women and girls.

CODATA – VizAfrica Botswana (18-19 Nov, Botswana)
The VizAfrica 2019 Data Visualization Symposium will take place from 18th -19th November at the University of Botswana Gaborone, Botswana. The theme of the symposium is “Application of Data, Information and Scientific Visualization for Resource Management and Sustainability.”

Understanding Risk Europe – (27-29 November, Bucharest, Romania) 
The Understanding Risk Europe forum will provide a platform for the public and private sector, local, national and regional institutions, non-governmental organizations, academia and media to build partnerships and to share knowledge and best practices. Registration closes 15 November.

Evidence for Policy School – (Jan 13-15 2020, Florence, Italy)
The Evidence for Policy School aims to help researchers to have more impact on policy and policymakers to use evidence for policy solutions. The school will focus on the tools and approaches to inform the policymaking process through evidence. Scientists and policymakers are invited to send their applications fulfilling the listed criteria. Applications close 8 November.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: October 2019 Edition

“If you ask us for ideas, act on them” – Youth call out UN, world leaders on climate action
The Youth Climate Action Summit brought youth climate champions together from more than 140 countries and territories to a platform to share their solutions on the global stage, and deliver a clear message to world leaders: we need to act now to address climate change.

Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data – Data for Now Initiative
The Data For Now initiative seeks to increase the sustainable use of robust methods and tools that improve the timeliness, coverage, and quality of SDG data through collaboration and partnership, technical and capacity support, and information sharing.

We could be losing the race against climate change, new UN report says
Scientists behind a landmark study of the links between oceans, glaciers, ice caps and the climate delivered a stark warning to the world on Wednesday: slash emissions or watch cities vanish under rising seas, rivers run dry and marine life collapse.

UNEP FI: Leading Financial Firms Commit to Improved Transparency on the Risks of Climate Change
The Global Commission on Adaption estimates over $7 trillion of climate change-related damages over the next ten years. To respond to these challenges, five leading banks and investors are committing to disclose risks and opportunities for their portfolios from the impacts of climate change by 2021.

UK Government: UK Aid to protect one billion people form impact of extreme weather
A new £175 million package will help make people safer and better prepared for disasters such as typhoons and hurricanes, as well as dealing with the aftermath.

Artificial Intelligence May Help Predict El Niño
Professor Yoo-Geun Ham and collaborators created a model using deep learning that forecasts El Niño and La Niña events 18 months in advance, beating current models that forecast only 1 year ahead.

Next Generation Disaster Data Infrastructure
Based on the targets of the Sendai Framework, this white paper proposes the next generation of disaster data infrastructure, which includes both novel and the most essential information systems and services that a country or a region can depend on to successfully gather, process and display disaster data to reduce the impact of natural hazards.

SDSN TReNDS Counting on the World to Act –  A Roadmap for Governments to Achieve Modern Data Systems for Sustainable Development
In this report TReNDS details an action plan for governments and their development partners that will enable them to help deliver the SDGs globally by 2030.  Report recommendations specifically aim to empower government actors or others concerned with evidence in support of sustainable development to advocate for, build, and lead a new data ecosystem.

NASA’s Earth Observing Data and Information System – Near-Term Challenges
NASA’s Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) has been a central component of the NASA Earth observation program since the 1990s. EOSDIS has evolved continually over the past three decades. However, many challenges remain. Challenges in three key areas are addressed in this paper: managing volume and variety, enabling data discovery and access, and incorporating user feedback and concerns.

Optimising Data Visualisation to Improve Humanitarian Decision-Making
The IFRC is inviting personnel and volunteers to submit visualisation designs for three core emergency operational datasets. The ten winners of the challenge will be invited to Geneva to attend a 3 day training on design principles led by Andy Kirk. Deadline for submission is 24 October.

World Bosai Forum/International Disaster Risk Conference 2019 – (09-12 Nov, Sendai, Japan)
The World Bosai Forum proposes solutions from various points of view to enable disaster risk reduction in Japan and overseas and aims to promote the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

GCF – Private Investment For Climate Conference 2019 – (Incheon, Republic of Korea, 7-9 October)
The GCF Private Investment for Climate Conference (“GPIC”) is a global marketplace and ecosystem where leading private sector actors including project sponsors, institutional investors, financial institutions, climate leaders, and the public sector come together to accelerate climate action in developing countries.

CODATA – VizAfrica Botswana (18-19 Nov, Botswana)
The VizAfrica 2019 Data Visualization Symposium will take place from 18th -19th November at the University of Botswana Gaborone, Botswana. The theme of the symposium is “Application of Data, Information and Scientific Visualization for Resource Management and Sustainability.”

CODATA – Helsinki Workshop on FAIR RDM in INstitutions (20-21 October, Helsinki, Finland) 
FAIR Research Data Management involves robust planning, policies, infrastructure, training and support. Institutes that produce and consume data are required to ensure seamless accessibility to data and ensure practices that foster its reuse.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: September 2019 Edition