Dong Liang: Candidacy for CODATA Executive Committee Ordinary Member

This is the thirteenth in the series of short statements from candidates in the coming CODATA Elections at the General Assembly to be held on 27-28 October, 2023. Dong Liang is a candidate for the CODATA Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member. He was nominated by the International Society for Digital Earth.

We live in a time where digital technologies offer unprecedented potential for progress and development, but whether that potential is realized will depend on global collaboration, open data, and accessible knowledge. As a candidate for Ordinary Member of the CODATA Executive Committee, I’m excited to share my years of experience in bringing together people and information by advancing open data science and international collaboration. My expertise encompasses remote sensing, international partnerships, and applications of big data for solutions to global sustainability challenges. As Assistant Director-General at the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS), I lead the effort to utilize big data analytics for evidence-based policymaking. My most important achievements in this domain have used Big Earth Data concepts and methods for data-driven decision-making and for tracking progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For an equitable and prosperous future globally, it is essential to enable developing nations to effectively leverage data science. Therefore, my recent efforts have highlighted the significance of digital public goods for policy and decision support systems to achieve the SDGs. 

During my long-standing direct and indirect engagement with CODATA, I have played an active role in fostering connections and partnerships among different members from across the globe to promote knowledge and data sharing. Over the past several years, I have also contributed significantly to organizing and facilitating CODATA events. I took part in the organization of the CODATA 45th Anniversary Ceremony in 2011 and helped organize the Workshop on Big Data for International Scientific Programmes in 2014. Both of these were milestone events that shaped CODATA’s future strategic plan by convening stakeholders to discuss challenges and opportunities in advancing open data science globally. The meetings also highlighted the need for data-intensive science and the utilization of big data for significant scientific endeavors. 

My experience serving on diverse data committees has equipped me with valuable insights into evolving policy issues and provided me with the opportunity to share perspectives from China. I have also made significant contributions to two partnerships under CODATA’s “Hand in Hand” program, including the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) program and International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE). These partnerships helped expand CODATA’s international cooperation and impact. Furthermore, I have led workshops and facilitate agreements between CODATA and major programs like the Digital Belt and Road Program (DBAR), which strengthened CODATA’s network and cooperation internationally. 

Establishing consensus plays an important role in clearing obstacles related to data sharing, accessibility, and interoperability. Hence, my efforts have consistently been focused on fostering connections between various groups, extending beyond my involvement with CODATA. Throughout the years, I have successfully achieved this objective by organizing workshops that link policymakers, researchers, and industry leaders. These collaborative endeavors have identified challenges and opportunities for open data. 

I have also been a vocal advocate for open science and data-driven development while serving in editorial roles, standards committees, and advisory positions both nationally and internationally. As Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese National Committee of ISDE and DBAR, I actively led official engagements and major international open data efforts to bring data and information to people while building their capacity to use it. I have been a proponent of open science, playing a key role in co-developing the Big Earth Data concept and providing valuable contributions to the SDG Big Data Platform

Obstacles still exist in fully harnessing the global potential of open data science. Cultivation of capabilities and the training of data professionals, especially for under-resourced regions, is critically important. As Ordinary Member of the CODATA Executive Committee, my efforts will be directed towards training and development of international research networks to expand data literacy and data skills for global sustainability. A pivotal aspect of this endeavor will be cross-border cooperation to fully harness the vast potential of the concept of open data. I strongly believe that through dedicated collaboration, we can build truly inclusive, ethical, and impactful open data infrastructure and policies that empower people through data. Together, we can drive progress on shared global challenges and usher in a new era of discovery to advance CODATA’s vision and mission.