March 2021: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Affiliation Information in DataCite Dataset Metadata: a Flemish Case Study
Author: Niek Van Wettere

Versioning Data Is About More than Revisions: A Conceptual Framework and Proposed Principles
Author: Jens Klump, Lesley Wyborn, Mingfang Wu, Julia Martin, Robert R. Downs, Ari Asmi

Sample Identifiers and Metadata to Support Data Management and Reuse in Multidisciplinary Ecosystem Sciences
Author: Joan E. Damerow, Charuleka Varadharajan, Kristin Boye, Eoin L. Brodie, Madison Burrus, K. Dana Chadwick, Robert Crystal-Ornelas, Hesham Elbashandy, Ricardo J. Eloy Alves, Kim S. Ely, Amy E. Goldman, Ted Haberman, Valerie Hendrix, Zarine Kakalia, Kenneth M. Kemner, Annie B. Kersting, Nancy Merino, Fianna O’Brien, Zach Perzan, Emily Robles, Patrick Sorensen, James C. Stegen, Ramona L. Walls, Pamela Weisenhorn, Mavrik Zavarin, Deborah Agarwal

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: April 2021 Edition

An early warning system could save global supply chain crisis
‘An industry’s supply chain is several miles long, but only an eighth of an inch deep’. Given the widespread strain a year ago regarding shortages, the global trading system has, in many ways, held up remarkably well during the pandemic. However, how resilient are our supply chains?”

Biden targets big offshore wind power expansion to fight climate change
The Biden administration on Monday unveiled a goal to expand the nation’s fledgling offshore wind energy industry in the coming decade by opening new areas to development, accelerating permits, and boosting public financing for projects.

‘Wilful ignorance’: Flood-hit Australia urged to rethink climate adaptation
As climate change impacts worsen, Australia’s population is exposed to more severe floods, droughts and bushfires, while action to protect people and their homes lags.

The science of tsunamis and what parts of New Zealand are most at risk
A tsunami warning was issued after an 8.1 earthquake struck near the Kermadec Islands in March – hours after a 7.4 quake near the Kermadecs and a 7.1 off the North Island coast of New Zealand.

UK Govt: Innovative projects to protect against flooding selected
Apps alerting residents to flooding, permeable road surfaces to improve drainage and schemes to protect vital sand dune beaches are among 25 new flooding and coastal resilience projects across England awarded funding today.

WMO: New water and climate coalition launched
A new Water and Climate Change coalition has been launched to achieve more effective integrated policy-making in an era when climate change, environmental degradation and population growth has exacerbated water-related hazards and scarcity.

Science for Disaster Risk Management 2020
The Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre has produced the “Science for disaster risk management 2020: acting today, protecting tomorrow”, the second of its series. The report represents a collaborative effort of more than 300 experts on disaster risk, coming from different sectors and disciplines, that worked for more than 2 years together to present the consequences of disasters on various assets at risk

The United Nations world water development report 2021: valuing water
This report groups current methodologies and approaches to the valuation of water into five interrelated perspectives.

Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF)
The Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) provides a basis and guide for developing, integrating, strengthening and maximizing geospatial information management and related resources in all countries. It will assist countries in bridging the geospatial digital divide, secure socio-economic prosperity, and to leave no one behind.

First report of the WMO COVID-19 task team: Review on meteorological and air quality factors affecting the COVID-19 pandemic
This First Report of the WMO Research Board COVID-19 Task Team, provides an assessment of the state of knowledge of meteorological and air quality (MAQ) factors influencing the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Looking back at a year that changed the world: WHO’s response to COVID-19
This report reflects on WHO’s role at the centre of a global response that has unfolded on a scale that dwarfs any single organisation.

Looking back at a year that changed the world: WHO’s response to COVID-19
The report identifies the shifts needed to close gaps between current actions and those needed to achieve sustainable development. The analysis is anchored in current economic, social and ecological reality and framed by economics and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Universities’ Preparedness and Response towards Multi-Hazards: COVID-19, Natural, and Human-Induced Hazards
This publication collects the efforts made by universities in the response and preparedness toward the COVID-19 pandemic as well as other hazards such as earthquakes, fires, and anthropogenic hazards. This compilation includes 26 case studies from 13 countries. It aims to keep a record of what happened and success and failures to learn from the experience and prepare for the next hazardous events.

21-23 June (Virtual) – FAIR Festival 2021
The FAIR Festival 2021 will feature plenary sessions, provide an open space to continue ongoing discussions as well as allow a collaborative “Deep Dive” into crisp sessions where FAIR practices on GO BUILD – GO TRAIN – GO CHANGE will be presented by Implementation Networks.

Data for Policy Conference 2021 – Sept 14-16
The sixth International Data for Policy Conference will take place in London on September 14-16, 2021. The Data for Policy conference series is the premier global forum for multiple disciplinary and cross-sector discussions around the theories, applications and implications of data science innovation in governance and the public sector.

EGU21: Gather Online – 19–30 April 2021
The EGU General Assembly 2021 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. The EGU is looking forward to cordially welcoming you at its General Assembly.

International Data Week’s SciDataCon 2021: Data to Improve our World –  Deadline for proposals – 30 April
Proposals are invited for sessions at International Data Week’s SciDataCon 2021: Data to Improve our World. The deadline for proposals is 23:59 UTC on 30 April 2021.

Open Science for a Global Transformation: Call for Papers for a Special Collection in Data Science Journal
To encourage further discussion around the issues addressed in ‘Open Science for a Global Transformation’ and the draft Recommendation on Open Science, CODATA invites the global research data community to share their views, critiques, and positions in an open discussion prompted by the draft recommendation and the CODATA-coordinated document.

UNDRR: Online Capacity Development Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies and Digital Governance for Local Resilience – Online – 6 April-13 April
This training will provide concepts, tools, and approaches for implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 at the local level. It will also provide guidance for digital government for disaster risk reduction and resilience.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: March 2021 Edition

UNOCHA: Why the climate crisis is a humanitarian emergency
The unfolding climate emergency is adding an additional layer of stress to humanitarian organisations that are already stretched thinner than ever before.

Texas Blackouts Point to Coast-to-Coast Crises Waiting to Happen
Continent-spanning storms triggered blackouts in Oklahoma and Mississippi, halted one-third of U.S. oil production and disrupted vaccinations in 20 states.

Smart weather app helps Kenya’s herders brace for drought
As climate change brings more weather extremes, access to village-level drought updates and advice via smartphones is helping under-pressure pastoralists cope.

WMO: Artificial intelligence can boost disaster management
The World Meteorological Organization is participating in a new interdisciplinary Focus Group to contend with the increasing prevalence and severity of natural hazards with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).

Drier European summers projected under climate change
A new study projects that summers across the continent will become drier for most of Europe through the century. Furthermore, human-induced climate change is expected to increase the frequency of extremely dry conditions across all of Europe.

UNEP: Making Peace With Nature – A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies
This report identifies the shifts needed to close gaps between current actions and those needed to achieve sustainable development. The analysis is anchored in current economic, social and ecological reality and framed by economics and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Heat and health in the WHO European Region: updated evidence for effective prevention
This publication collates and summarises the most relevant evidence published since 2008, focusing primarily on Member States in the WHO European Region. Findings are organised around the elements the original guidance document identified as “core” to a comprehensive heat–health action plan (HHAP), and these are complemented in each chapter with the results of a WHO survey of heat–health action planning in 2019, where relevant to the topic covered.

UNEP: The climate risk landscape – Mapping climate-related financial risk assessment methodologies
The report ‘The Climate Risk Landscape: Mapping Climate-related Financial Risk Assessment Methodologies’ provides a summary of the key developments across third party climate risk assessment providers since May 2019, including new and updated scenarios, methodological tools, key guidelines, as well as an overview of the changing regulatory landscape and potential developments into 2021.

WHO guidance for climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities
The aim of this guidance is to enhance the capacity of health care facilities to protect and improve the health of their target communities in an unstable and changing climate; and to empower health care facilities to be environmentally sustainable, by optimizing the use of resources and minimizing the release of waste into the environment.

21-23 June (Virtual) – FAIR Festival 2021
The FAIR Festival 2021 will feature plenary sessions, provide an open space to continue ongoing discussions as well as allow a collaborative “Deep Dive” into crisp sessions where FAIR practices on GO BUILD – GO TRAIN – GO CHANGE will be presented by Implementation Networks.

8 March – International Women’s Day: Women in leadership – achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world
This International Women’s Day, UNDRR’s Women’s International Network on Disaster Risk Reduction and UN Women’s Regional Office for Asia-Pacific will co-host a virtual event highlighting the need for women’s leadership in COVID-19 recovery, and recognising the women who have played an essential role in their country’s COVID-19 response.

22 March – GYA Satellite Panel: Trust in Climate Change
This GYA event brings together senior and early-career scientists to address trust in climate science, starting from the contributions of their diverse scientific disciplines..

February 2021: Publications in the Data Science Journal

A School and a Network: CODATA-RDA Data Science Summer Schools Alumni Survey
Author: Louise Bezuidenhout, Sara Drummond-Curtis, Bridget Walker, Hugh Shanahan, Marcela Alfaro-Córdoba

Implementing Data Management Workflows in Research Groups Through Integrated Library Consultancy
Author: Joshua Borycz

Kadi4Mat: A Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science
Author:Nico Brandt, Lars Griem, Christoph Herrmann, Ephraim Schoof, Giovanna Tosato, Yinghan Zhao, Philipp Zschumme, Michael Selzer

Stewardship Maturity Assessment Tools for Modernization of Climate Data Management
Author:Robert Dunn, Christina Lief, Ge Peng, William Wright, Omar Baddour, Markus Donat, Brigitte Dubuisson, Jean-François Legeais, Peter Siegmund, Reinaldo Silveira, Xiaolan L. Wang, Markus Ziese

Leading FAIR Adoption Across the Institution: A Collaboration Between an Academic Library and a Technology Provider
Author: Danuta A. Nitecki, Adi Alter

Relationship between the Metadata and Relevance Criteria of Scientific Data
Author: Guilan Zhang, Jian Wang , Jianping Liu, Yao Pan

From Conceptualization to Implementation: FAIR Assessment of Research Data Objects
Author: Anusuriya Devaraju , Mustapha Mokrane, Linas Cepinskas, Robert Huber, Patricia Herterich, Jerry de Vries, Vesa Akerman, Hervé L’Hours, Joy Davidson, Michael Diepenbroek

Two more #terms4FAIRskills hackathons to start the new year!

The Terms4FAIRskills project continued its engagement with the wider community with two more hack sessions on the 27th and 29th January 2021.  Building on the work of the the last two hack sessions in December 2020, the project core team – Yann Le Franc, Pete McQuilton and Laura Molloy – once again welcomed colleagues from the FAIRsFAIR project, FAIRsharing, ELIXIR, EOSC-Life, the Digital Curation Centre, DANS, CINES and CODATA to find out more about the Semaphora annotation plugin, derived from the EOSC semantic annotation service, B2NOTE, and how it works with a revised version of the Terms4FAIRskills terminology to describe online training resources.

Once installation was successfully completed, participants were enthusiastic about the ease with which they were able to choose from existing terms and suggest their own terms to annotate their training materials with their own choice of FAIR-related skills and competences.  Participants were also pleased to be able to search annotations on the Semaphora plugin, making it easier to find appropriate training materials for their needs. As always, the core team learned a lot from the lively discussion throughout the sessions, and we are once again working with the feedback from participants to improve both the terminology and the annotation tool.

Dr Angus Whyte, Senior Institutional Support Officer, reflected: “This felt like a very useful session to me. Having the Semaphora tool made quite a difference. It was quite helpful that it hides the hierarchical structure in the terminology, as we know that is a work-in-progress. The value of the work that has gone into distilling the terms was pretty clear, as was the ease of using the tool. A bit of practice with the annotation helped too. It takes a bit of discipline to be economical with the choice of terms to tag an item with. And we had an interesting and useful discussion about the level of granularity at which the annotation is most helpful.”

Prof Hugh Shanahan, Professor of Open Science at Royal Holloway, University of London, agreed: “The sessions were enormously helpful in understanding what’s been achieved because of the EOSC [co-creation] funding. The project has reached a significant level of maturity and it’s much clearer now what the finished project will look like as a tool for annotating and finding FAIR related training materials.”

We are currently planning a final remote sprint to complete this phase of activity for which we are grateful to have received funds from the EOSC Co-creation award.

For further information about the terminology, please see the terms4FAIRskills website, follow the #terms4FAIRskills hashtag on Twitter and/or email

January 2021: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Investigation and Development of the Workflow to Clarify Conditions of Use for Research Data Publishing in China
Author: Lili Zhang , Robert R. Downs, Jianhui Li, Liangming Wen, Chengzan Li

Fostering Interdisciplinary Data Cultures through Early Career Development: The RDA/US Data Share Fellowship
Author:Inna Kouper, Lois A. Scheidt, Beth A. Plale

Improving Opportunities for New Value of Open Data: Assessing and Certifying Research Data Repositories
Author: Robert R. Downs

December 2020: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Investigation and Development of the Workflow to Clarify Conditions of Use for Research Data Publishing in Japan
Author: Yasuyuki Minamiyama, Ui Ikeuchi, Kunihiko Ueshima, Nobuya Okayama, Hideaki Takeda

Open Data Challenges in Climate Science
Author: Francesca Eggleton, Kate Winfield

Historical Scientific Analog Data: Life Sciences Faculty’s Perspectives on Management, Reuse and Preservation
Author: Shannon L. Farrell, Lois G. Hendrickson, Kristen L. Mastel , Julia A. Kelly

Incorporating RDA Outputs in the Design of a European Research Infrastructure for Natural Science Collections
Author: Sharif Islam , Alex Hardisty, Wouter Addink, Claus Weiland, Falko Glöckler

Implementing the RDA Research Data Policy Framework in Slovenian Scientific Journals
Author: Janez Štebe , Maja Dolinar, Sonja Bezjak, Ana Inkret

Role of a Croatian National Repository Infrastructure in Promotion and Support of Research Data Management
Author: Kristina Posavec , Draženko Celjak, Ljiljana Jertec Musap

39 Hints to Facilitate the Use of Semantics for Data on Agriculture and Nutrition
Author: Caterina Caracciolo , Sophie Aubin, Clement Jonquet, Emna Amdouni, Romain David, Leyla Garcia, Brandon Whitehead, Catherine Roussey, Armando Stellato, Ferdinando Villa

Going Digital: Persistent Identifiers for Research Samples, Resources and Instruments
Author: Esther Plomp

#terms4FAIRskills hackathons – December 2020

By Laura Molloy and Peter McQuilton

The terms4FAIRskills core team was delighted to welcome a group of keen annotators from across Europe to join in a hackathon on 11th and 15th December 2020.  Participants from FAIRsFAIR, FAIRsharing, ELIXIR, EOSC-Pillar, the Digital Curation Centre, DANS, CINES and CODATA worked actively with a range of training materials of their choice, and experimented with annotating these materials with terms from the current version of the terms4FAIRskills terminology.

The terms4FAIRskills project aims to create a formalised terminology that describes the competencies, skills and knowledge associated with making and keeping data FAIR.  When mature, this terminology will apply to a variety of use cases, including:

  • To assist with the creation and assessment of data stewardship curricula;
  • To facilitate the annotation, discovery and evaluation of FAIR-enabling materials (e.g. training) and resources;
  • To enable the formalisation of job descriptions and CVs/résumés with recognised, structured competencies.

The completed terminology will be of use to trainers who teach FAIR data skills, researchers who wish to identify skill gaps in their teams, and managers who need to recruit individuals to relevant roles.

Started as a volunteer, bottom-up effort, #terms4FAIRskills has recently received an EOSC co-creation grant to enable collaborative development of the terminology via a core team of ontology experts alongside a coordinating group. The grant also funds a series of hackathons to bring together representatives from the community of prospective users.

In the first virtual hackathon, with lively discussion throughout, we iteratively refined the terminology through the practical annotation of training materials from ELIXIR TeSS and the RDA/CODATA Summer Schools.  Thanks to this feedback, the core team will continue to review the terminology, add synonyms, refine the hierarchy and adapt the current model.

We will run a follow-on hackathon in early 2021, where we will once again test the model through practical annotation of real world training material.

For further information about the terminology, please see the terms4FAIRskills website, follow the #terms4FAIRskills hashtag on Twitter and/or email

Core team

  • Peter McQuilton, FAIRsharing and University of Oxford
  • Yann Le Franc, e-Science Data Factory
  • Laura Molloy, CODATA
  • Allyson Lister, FAIRsharing and University of Oxford

December 2020 virtual hackathon attendees

  • Hugh Shanahan, RDA/CODATA Summer Schools
  • Celia van Gelder, ELIXIR / DTL
  • Victoria Dominguez del Angel, ELIXIR / INRA
  • Angus Whyte, FAIRsFAIR / DCC
  • Marjan Grootveld, FAIRsFAIR / DANS
  • Marie-Anne Maurel, FAIRsFAIR / CINES
  • Samuel Viscapi, FAIRsFAIR / CINES

Coordination group

  • Celia van Gelder (DTL/ELIXIR-NL, NL)
  • Simon Hodson (CODATA, FR)
  • Yann Le Franc (e-Science Data Factory, FR)
  • Peter McQuilton (FAIRsharing and University of Oxford, UK)
  • Susanna-Assunta Sansone (FAIRsharing and University of Oxford, UK)
  • Hugh Shanahan (Royal Holloway, UK)
  • Angus Whyte (DCC, UK)
  • Laura Molloy (CODATA, FR)

A CODATA Connect Webinar on “Urban Data Space as New Frontier: A Responsible Research and Innovation Perspective” by Robert Braun

On 21 September 2020, a webinar titled “Urban Data Space as New Frontier: A Responsible Research and Innovation Perspective” was organized by the CODATA Connect Alumni and Early Career Network. This was the sixth webinar in the series on Smart and Resilient Cities, while other webinars are planned in the coming months throughout 2020. Dr. Shaily Gandhi of the CODATA Connect introduced the speaker and theme of the webinar series. As introduced, the speaker Dr. Robert Braun is currently a Senior Researcher and the Deputy Head of the Techno-Science & Societal Transformation research group at Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna, and Associate Professor at Masaryk University in Brno. He studied philosophy of arts and history at the University of Budapest and completed a Ph.D. in philosophy. He taught at numerous universities in the EU and the US. His research projects involve the representation and engagement of stakeholders in corporate communities as well as the societal impacts of autonomous mobility. 

Robert began his talk by introducing DataSpace and its short history. DataSpace is one of the new frontiers of innovation in digital technology. In recent conceptualizations of industrial DataSpace technology, different scholars envisioned DataSpace as an open business ecosystem for securing exchange and easy linkage of data, as Fraunhofer (2018) observed. Smart City projects worldwide intend to manage big data in urban environments and face the challenges of organizational complexities. European cities and communities require a set of tools to achieve a sustainable transformation towards smarter cities and municipalities and a structured approach to leverage the emerging data-driven economy’s potential, as perceived by Cuno et al. (2019). Then Robert introduced the Urban DataSpace (UDS), which facilitates an ecosystem for data exchange and added value creation utilizing various data types within a smart city or municipality. UDS may, thus, be seen as a new type of urban infrastructure. He pointed out while the relational database management systems served to focus the data management community for decades, rapidly expanding demands of ‘data everywhere’ have led to a new field in data science to emerge. UDS is one such emerging field.

He describes the actor-network theory (ANT) vis-à-vis the responsible research and innovation (RRI). In the ANT framework, technology serves as a distributed agency in actor-actant networks, networks serve as performed material-semiotic spaces, and there are multiple realities. On the other hand, the RRI framework assesses the social desirability, anticipation, reflexivity, responsiveness, and inclusivity of technology and innovation. 

He described the semiotics of DataSpace, i.e., mapping the problems in an artificial intelligence (AI)-based, or a data-driven environment. DataSpace serves as a ‘sign relational complex’ to support data science pragmatics, such as ascertaining, assessing, and researching the processes and intentions of data collecting agents or data analytics elements. There are concerns related to AI learning issues, particularly debiasing, black-boxing, semiotic complexities, and the multistability and multidimensionality of data. He briefly narrated the characteristics of trustworthy DataSpace and responsible DataSpace, respectively, based on the trustworthy AI principles and the RRI principles.

He opined that COVID-19 poses dangers of onlinefication of everything and (big)data-driven research and innovation. He further opined that the EU promotes responsible research and innovation (RRI) in principle, but the implementation leaves much to be desired. Robert Braun concludes that there is a need to improve the alignment of research policy and societal values in urban DataSpace and data-driven society.

Mr. Felix Emeka Anyiam of the CODATA Connect moderated the Question and Answer session and was assigned to obtain questions from the online participants keyed into the webinar question handle. Some of the questions were related to data sovereignty, how data localization can help in responsible and ethical DataSpace, and how GDPR takes care of responsible DataSpace. The speaker briefly appraised the audience on recent EU and international frameworks on the subject.  

The session was concluded with a vote of thanks presented by Shaily. She also announced the forthcoming activities of the CODATA Connect for the CODATA alumni and early career data science professionals.

Prepared by:
Anup Kumar Das
(Jawaharlal Nehru University, India,

November 2020: Publications in the Data Science Journal

Fitness for Use of Data Objects Described with Quality Maturity Matrix at Different Phases of Data Production
Author: Heinke Höck, Frank Toussaint, Hannes Thiemann

Open Data for Sustainable Development on a Knowledge-Based Economy: The Case of Botswana
Author: Oarabile Sebubi, Irina Zlotnikova, Hlomani Hlomani

The CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance
Author: Stephanie Russo Carroll , Ibrahim Garba, Oscar L. Figueroa-Rodríguez, Jarita Holbrook, Raymond Lovett, Simeon Materechera, Mark Parsons, Kay Raseroka, Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear, Robyn Rowe, Rodrigo Sara, Jennifer D. Walker, Jane Anderson, Maui Hudson