Category Archives: DRR and Open DATA newsletter

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: December 2021 Edition

World Bank: Disaster risk insurance: 5 insights from the Philippines
With disasters a growing threat, insurance for countries trying to manage climate and disaster risk is becoming increasingly critical. While insight on what works – and what doesn’t – to build resilience is still limited, the experience of the Philippines shows how countries can improve their protection to disasters by working with international insurance markets.

Science supporting policy in disaster risk management: providing the data and knowledge for transitioning to a climate-proof resilient society
The representatives of the EC’s Joint Research Centre recently discussed the INFORM risk assessment, an evidence-based methodology to support decision-making on humanitarian crises and disasters, extended recently to the regions of Caucasus and Central Asia and South Eastern Europe

Kiribati: Fishing for food and resilience
Located in the centre of the Pacific, the Republic of Kiribati is known for being one of the world’s smallest and most remote island nations. In fact, it is remarkably large: 33 atoll islands spread across an ocean territory of more than 3.5 million square kilometers. The vast waters – one of the world’s biggest Exclusive Economic Zones – constitute some of the richest and most diverse ecosystems on Earth, supporting hundreds of species as well as the livelihoods, health, culture, and way of life of local people. However, in the global narratives about climate change, island nations such as Kiribati have been seen as ‘poster children’ for the risks of a warming planet.

The need for medium-range forecasting in early warning systems to improve risk outcomes
High-impact weather events – floods, storms, cyclones – threaten human life and property, as well as affecting the economy and inflicting significant societal hazards. Being able to predict these events accurately, and with sufficient lead times, enables people to prepare for them. It is also more cost-effective: a dollar invested in disaster preparedness – which reduces people’s vulnerability to the impacts – can prevent six dollars’ worth of disaster-related economic losses.

One billion children at ‘extremely high risk’ of climate impacts
Young people living in the Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria, Guinea, and Guinea-Bissau are the most at risk of the impacts of climate change, threatening their health, education, and protection, and exposing them to deadly diseases, according to a UNICEF report launched today. ‘The Climate Crisis Is a Child Rights Crisis: Introducing the Children’s Climate Risk Index’ is the first comprehensive analysis of climate risk from a child’s perspective. It ranks countries based on children’s exposure to climate and environmental shocks, such as cyclones and heatwaves, as well as their vulnerability to those shocks, based on their access to essential services.

Post-disaster needs assessments guidelines: Volume B – Environment
The main objective of PDNA–Environment is to prepare a recovery strategy that guides the restoration of environment and natural resources damaged due to a disaster. This should also enable environmentally friendly rebuilding in all sectors. The recovery plan also supports the restoration of environment and natural resources as a disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategy.

Words into Action: Nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction
This guide aims to give practical, how-to-do information on setting up and implementing nature-based solutions (NbS), especially for disaster risk reduction (DRR), but also for climate change adaptation (CCA). It is designed to help implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (hereafter referred to as the Sendai Framework). The Sendai Framework recognizes that environmental degradation can cause hazards and that disasters also have an impact on the environment.

From protection to prevention: The role of cooperative and mutual insurance in DRR
This report, prepared by the ICMIF-UNDRR collaboration, presents seven mechanisms gleaned from case studies compiled across the cooperative and mutual insurance sector and from a literature review on the role of insurance in supporting disaster risk reduction and resilience. It focuses on preventing new risks and reducing existing risk is more urgent than ever because disasters can erase development gains and hinder progress, often for years to come, such as in the case of floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, pandemics or major technological disasters.

UNDRR Briefing Package for UN Resident Coordinators and UN Country Teams
This briefing package sets out how UNDRR can better support UNRCs and UNCTs to deliver sustainable development benefits at a country level from a DRR angle. The options proposed here can be adjusted to meet the needs of the regional UN development system architecture. This package includes an information checklist, support tools and information that UNDRR has developed to support national governments and UN partners to reduce risks and losses as guided by the Sendai Framework.

 Can ecosystems protect populations? New evidence published
While it is generally assumed that ecosystems, such as mangroves, coral reefs or sand dunes, play an important role in reducing risks from hazard events, there are few comprehensive studies that gather scientific evidence on the services these ecosystems provide, and the functions they fulfil for disaster risk reduction.

Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Resilience: Linking Science, Tech, Policy and Practice
Objectives of the webinar include discussing the current state of nature-based solutions that are undertaken globally and identifying success stories and how this can be replicated to scale for impact.

Workshop Announcement and Call for Applications: Enlargement and Integration – Digital Transformation, Data and AI in the Western Balkans
The workshop “Digital Transformation, Data and AI in the Western Balkans” aims to investigate how digital technologies, data and AI influence changes in our societies. Europe’s ambition is to become the world-leading region for developing and deploying cutting edge, ethical and secure AI, as well as to promote a human-centric approach in the global context.

9th Global Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action – Virtual Edition: 7th – 9th December 2021
Join us for a series of panel discussions, thematic presentations and interactive events that will bring together practitioners, scientists and government representatives from around the world to explore how anticipatory action can address the compounding and intertwined effects of the climate crisis, rising conflicts and economic shocks on the world’s most vulnerable people.

International Science Council – Health Inequalities: New Methods, Better Insights?
At this conference of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), the final report of the ALLEA/FEAM Health Inequalities project will be presented to a wider audience. The technical contents of this report, ‘Health inequalities: new methods, better insights?’, have already been discussed extensively at a series of well-attended workshops. This conference aims to provide a forum for discussing the implications of the report for research and policy. How can new research methods help us to better understand health inequalities, and how can better science help policymakers to reduce health inequalities more effectively?

#AGU21: Science is Society
The AGU Fall Meeting is the primary gathering for Earth and space scientists, students, and those in affiliated fields to share scientific findings and identify innovative solutions. With in-person and worldwide online participation, attendees will have numerous opportunities to network with government regulators, scientific visionaries, and industry thought-leaders. Join our diverse community in New Orleans and Online Everywhere 13 – 17 December 2021.

20th Swiss Climate Summer School 2022 – Extreme weather and climate
Swiss Climate Research, the network of leading Swiss institutions in climate research and education, invites young scientists (PhD students and postdocs) to join high-profile climate researchers in a scenic Swiss Alpine setting for keynote lectures, workshops and poster sessions on the occasion of the 20th Swiss Climate Summer School 2022.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: November 2021 Edition

Youth set stage for Americans and Caribbean Regional Platform 
Young people from across the Americas and the Caribbean have asked for a greater role in preparing and implementing policies to reduce disaster risk in one of the most hazard-prone regions of the world. The Youth Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction is an opportunity for some of the region’s 106 million young people to share priorities, concerns and make proposals over four hours of presentations, plenary sessions and panels.

Climate risk assessment gaps: seamless integration of weather and climate information for community resilience
Understanding climate and weather impacts is essential for risk assessment and building resilience. In this blog, Bapon Fakhruddin and Jana Sillmann examine how collaborative digital platforms to integrate and share weather and climate information could support risk assessment.

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction with Bapon Fakhruddin
October 13 marked the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction – a UN observed day that highlights the importance of international cooperation to reduce disaster risk and save lives. For Tonkin + Taylor Technical Director – DRR and Natural Hazards, Bapon Fakhruddin, protecting communities vulnerable to disaster became his life’s work. In recognition of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, we asked Bapon to reflect on his journey in DRR, how DRR has interfaced with climate change, and advice to share with the emerging generation of DRR practitioners.

UNDRR-ISC Hazard Definition & Classification Review – Technical Report
The UNDRR/ISC Sendai Hazard Definition and Classification Review Technical Report supports all other agreements such as the Sendai framework, sustainable development goals-agenda 2030 and the Paris agreement by providing a common set of hazard definitions for monitoring and reviewing implementation which calls for “a data revolution, rigorous accountability mechanisms and renewed global partnerships”

COP26: Special report on Climate Change and Health
Extreme heat, floods, droughts, wildfires and hurricanes: 2021 has broken many records. Health and equity are central to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and to making COP26 a success. Protecting health requires action well beyond the health sector, in energy, transport, nature, food systems, finance and more. The ten recommendations outlined in this report – and the action points, resources and case studies that support them – provide concrete examples of interventions that, with support, can be scaled up rapidly to safeguard our health and our climate.

How Atma and The Nature Conservancy Joined Forces to Share Resources for the Disaster Risk Reduction Community
The Atma Connect tech team landed a contract to build a robust learning platform to serve this audience, the team leapt into action. Here’s a look at how the tech team quickly created a platform for The Nature Conservancy to support DRR professionals and humanitarian organizations in how to use nature to reduce coastal disaster risk

New report offers concrete steps for risk-informed investment
The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) launched a new report this week – Delivering risk-informed investment: addressing the barriers – which offers eight concrete areas where stakeholders can take immediate action to incorporate disaster risk into their investment decisions.

International Cooperation in Disaster Risk Reduction: Target F
This report highlights low levels of investments in disaster prevention and disaster risk reduction for the world’s most vulnerable countries. The costs benefits of investing in prevention and resilience have been demonstrated time and time again, but for every US$100 of disaster-related Overseas Development Assistance (ODA), only 50 cents are invested in protecting development from the impact of disasters.

USA: Federal Climate Adaptation Plans 
As directed by President Biden’s January 28, 2021, Executive Order 14008, major Federal agencies are required to develop an adaptation and resilience plan to address their most significant climate risks and vulnerabilities. On October 7, 2021, the White House announced the release of more than 20 Federal Agency Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plans

1-12 November – COP26 – Glasgow
COP26 Summit runs from the 31st October till the 12th of November. The aim is to bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris agreement and the UN framework on climate change.

Fifth Arab Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, 8 November 2021 – 11 November 2021 Online Rabat Morocco
Hosted by the Government of Morocco, the Fifth Arab Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction will be organised under the theme “From Risk to Resilience: Accelerating Local Action for Disaster Risk Reduction” from 8 to 11 November 2021.

International Data Week 2022, 8-11 Nov 2021, Seoul, South Korea
The International Science Council’s Committee on Data (CODATA) and World Data System (WDS), and the Research Data Alliance (RDA) are delighted to announce that the 2021 edition of International Data Week (IDW 2021) will be held on 8–11 November 2021 in Seoul, South Korea.

Eighth Africa Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 
The Government of the Republic of Kenya will host the Eighth Africa Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Seventh High-Level Meeting on Disaster Risk Reduction from 16-19 November 2021. The Africa Regional Platform will be held under the overarching theme: “Towards disaster, Risk informed Development for a Resilient Africa in a COVID-19 Transformed World.”

World Tsunami Awareness Day 2021: Pacific Webinar
In 2021, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) will position the World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD) as an opportunity to advocate for reducing tsunami risk globally in the context of the “Safe Ocean” outcome of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) and the promotion of International Cooperation to Developing Countries, the chosen target for this year’s edition of the Sendai Seven Campaign.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: October 2021 Edition

UNDP launches new Insurance and Risk Finance Facility
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched the Insurance and Risk Finance Facility (IRFF), a new initiative that aims to build financial resilience and bridge a $1.4 trillion global health, mortality, and disaster protection gap, with support from the insurance-linked securities (ILS) market expected in future.

NASA Test Satellite Provides Insight into Hurricane Ida
In 2022, NASA will launch a constellation of six small satellites (smallsats) to improve our understanding of tropical cyclones and support NASA’s TROPICS mission. But before then, NASA launched the TROPICS pathfinder, a test satellite that aids the TROPICS mission by enabling full testing of the technology, communication systems, data processing, and data flow to application users in advance of the constellation’s launch next year.

Global citizens and scientists on how to achieve a thriving net-zero future
This article is part of the ISC’s new series, Transform21, which will explore the state of knowledge and action, five years on from the Paris Agreement and in a pivotal year for action on sustainable development.

Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic – achieving resilience for the next health emergency
A new strategic document was officially presented at the “Lessons learned from COVID-19: getting ready for the next pandemic” event, on 13 September – part of the 71st session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (RC71).

Climate change threatens sustainable development
If the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are to be achieved by 2030, the risks posed by human-induced climate change must be understood and addressed. The World Meteorological Organization has published a new report on Climate Indicators and Sustainable Development: Demonstrating the Interconnections.

The data side of leaving no one behind
An approach called data landscaping has been developed –  its scope covers the political economy of data within a country; the structures and standards that govern the collection, production and sharing of data; the information systems themselves; and the culture that drives the demand for, and use of data.

Country Hydromet Diagnostics 
Global threats and challenges related to climate change and the impact of extreme weather events are rising, and demand to provide high-quality weather, climate, hydrological, and related environmental information services – referred to as HYDROMET – is rapidly increasing.

Financing the UN Development System: Time to Meet the Moment
In 2020, the global extreme poverty rate rose for the first time in over 20 years, with hundreds of millions of people pushed back into extreme poverty and chronic hunger. Member States and UN entities have a mutual responsibility to demonstrate proactive and transformational leadership in ensuring an adequate multilateral response, while also looking ahead to strengthen global and regional risk reduction..

The Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes (1970–2019)
The Atlas is WMO’s most exhaustive compilation to date of fatalities and economic costs from natural hazards. It provides comprehensive details of recorded disasters and their impacts, both at the global and regional levels.

Creating Resilient Communities With Medium-Range Hazard Warning Systems
Resilience to natural hazards requires integrated risk management – from hazard identification and risk register, hazard warnings and risk communication, to preparation for and response when an event occurs. Medium-range hazard warnings play a vital role in strategic and tactical planning for resilience to natural hazards.

The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning
The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning (CM4EW) is an international and transparent multi-source, consensus assessment of the crop growing conditions, status, and agro-climatic conditions that are likely to impact global production. The CM4EW reports on climate hazards, such as drought, flood, and extreme weather, as well as pests and crop diseases, as part of its monitoring of countries at risk of famine and to provide early warnings of impending crop shortfalls.

Podcast: Data-Knowledge-Action for Urban Systems
The Data-Knowledge-Action for Urban Systems podcast series explores systems used to build intelligent urban systems. The series reflects on the systematic changes required for cities to become adaptive and intelligent for handling urban wellbeing.

Pacific Prepared – How the tragedies of the past can help protect us in the future.
An Advanced Tsunami Hazard Assessment has been recently conducted in Fiji – the assessment and findings from Fiji also present several factors to consider for the entire Pacific. Technical Director – DRR and Climate Resilience Dr Bapon Shm Fakhruddin recently featured on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Radio show ‘Pacific Prepared’, sharing his perspective on the assessment and what authorities need to do now to make communities better prepared and protected from the threat of a tsunami.

Auckland Climate Change Festival
The Auckland Climate Festival will converge around five themes – Collective Vision, Systems Change, Individual Action, Just Transitions and lastly, Beyond Tamaki.

United Nations World Data Forum 2021 – 3-6 October 
The ​​UN World Data Forum brings together data and statistical experts and users from governments, civil society, the private sector, donor and philanthropic bodies, international and regional agencies, the geospatial community, the media, academia and professional bodies.

Virtual SciDataCon 2021
CODATA and WDS are pleased to announce that the REGISTRATION IS OPEN for Virtual SciDataCon 2021.

Webinar Series: Modern Technologies for Disaster Management 
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is hosting a series of webinars on these 4IR technologies presenting a chance to learn from and engage with leading experts from around the world as they discuss opportunities and challenges associated with these technologies and their use in disaster management.

Conference on Climate Change and Health in Small Island Developing States: Focus on the Caribbean 
The Conference on Climate Change and Health in Small Island Developing States is an immersion in the science of climate change and health in the Caribbean, identifying knowledge gaps, posing solutions, resource sharing, networking, and empowerment.

2021 CAP Implementation Workshop
The 2021 Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementation Workshop will be conducted as an online Webinar. Everyone interested in emergency alerting is welcome: managers, technical staff, media, including those in government, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and commercial organisations.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: September 2021 Edition

IPCC Report: 10 Innovative ways people around the world are tackling climate change
The IPCC report said global warming of about 1.1 degrees Celsius has brought changes worldwide, from droughts and storms to melting glaciers. But it is not too late to cut climate-heating emissions and keep the temperature rise within internationally agreed goals of “well below” 2C and ideally 1.5C – which would help stop or slow down some of the impacts, the report said.

CCRIF to make US$40 Million Pay out to Haiti Following Devastating August 4 Earthquake.
CCRIF SPC will make a pay out of approximately US$40 million to the Government of Haiti following the devastating magnitude 7.2 earthquake that struck Haiti on August 14th, 2021, significantly impacting the city of Les Cayes.

Extreme Weather: Malaysia’s Flood Woes To Worsen
While Malaysia appears unaffected by the most extreme weather events such as earthquakes, hurricanes and forest fires, it remains vulnerable to the threat of floods, landslides, haze and water pollutions.

Disaster-mapping drones often neglect deadliest, costliest events and hardest-hit areas
Every year, disasters kill an average of 60,000 people, affect 200 million and cause US$150 billion in damage. To combat these devastating impacts, governments and other stakeholders routinely rely on images captured by satellites and crewed aircraft for crucial tasks such as identifying and monitoring areas most at risk, evacuation routes, damage severity and extent, and recovery progress.

UNDRR announces annual award to celebrate women reducing disaster risk in their communities
The Women’s International Network on Disasters Risk Reduction (WIN DRR) will award two cash prizes to highlight the work of women who are changing the field of disaster risk reduction by using inclusive approaches and demonstrating leadership in a previously male-dominated field.

The role of data and information quality during disaster response decision-making
The current paper addresses these issues by identifying how certain features of data and information quality function, to support specific, naturalistic decision-making processes during disaster response. These functions are used to revise and consolidate extant definitions of data and information quality, for use in the disaster response domain.

Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2021
The Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2021 addresses the complexity of converging and cascading risks by analysing natural and biological hazards simultaneously.

Assessing post-disaster recovery using sentiment analysis: The case of L’Aquila, Italy
This article uses sentiment analysis (SA) to assess post-disaster recovery on the 10th anniversary of L’Aquila’s earthquake using Twitter data.

Increasing global resilience to systemic risk: emerging lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
This report outlines the importance of applying a systemic risk lens to help prevent the escalation and reduce the impact of future pandemics. It also outlines a number of key reforms required within global governance systems to facilitate this change. This includes not only strengthening and integrating health agendas into governance systems but also looking more holistically to address the root causes of zoonoses spillover.

Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems with Dr. Bapon Fakhruddin
Multi-Hazard early warning systems for potential disasters can mean the difference between life and death for local residents. Dr. Bapon Fakhruddin, an expert who has been involved with implementing early warning systems in more than 25 countries, shares his thoughts on reducing disaster risk, adapting to climate change, and keeping communities safe on the Multi-Hazards podcast.

Disaster governance in the Asia-Pacific: future pathways for South and Southeast Asia
This policy report traces developments in disaster governance in South Asia as an area of cooperation for Southeast Asia. South Asia is highly exposed and vulnerable to the impacts of natural hazards. It has been affected by several large-scale disasters over the past two decades, including the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2015 Nepal earthquake.

2-3 September – 2021 Aotearoa SDG Summit Series
Collaborating, connecting, and working together has never been more important than right now. SDG Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals, is our collective way forward. Join us for the next part in the 2020-2021 Aotearoa/New Zealand SDG Summit Series and see how by working together, we can create the world we want, and the world that we need.

6-9 September – 1st International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals
The 1st International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals will be held by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China, from September 6 to 8, 2021.

RemTech Europe, 20th-24th September 2021
The aim of the Conference is to share information on knowledge, innovation and case histories, to encourage the development of remediation processes and the application of new and sustainable technologies and bring together experts, problem owners and suppliers of available services and technologies

ISC workshop: Inclusive and accessible science communication 14+15 September 
As part of the continuous workshop series by and for the ISC Science Communications Network, the ISC invites all staff members, office bearers and representatives of organisations that are part of the ISC community to join us for an interactive session to discuss best practices in accessible and inclusive science communication.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: August 2021 Edition

Fijian Government: Ministry prepares for 2021-2021 Cyclone Season
The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management has been diligently preparing its facilities and mobilising its resources for the impending 2021-2022 Cyclone Season. Part of these preparatory works was the total renovation and improvements in the current warehousing assets and processes maintained at the Walu Bay based yard.

WMO: Water-related hazards dominate disasters in the past 50 years
Water-related hazards dominate the list of disasters in terms of both the human and economic toll over the past 50 years, according to a comprehensive analysis by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)..

Oxford researchers develop tool to predict human displacement post-disaster
An open-source software package to estimate displaced populations post-disaster has been developed, with a current focus on earthquakes and cyclones.

Planned retreat from flood-prone Westport and its stoic history
As the New Zealand Prime Minister visits Westport, the town faces the difficult decision of whether to rebuild or withdraw after the recent devastating floods. Government intervention and insurance can help if it chooses a planned retreat.  Tonkin + Taylor Natural Hazards Specialist, Nick Rogers QSO, and Sector Director for Natural Hazards Resilience, Richard Reinen-Hamill reflect on the Westport floods and planned retreat in this article with Newsroom NZ.

Catching fire: AI is helping scarce firefighters better predict blazes
With climate change driving worsening U.S. wildfires, machine learning and statistical models let firefighters map out ahead of time how and where blazes might spread.

GAR Special Report on Drought 2021
The GAR Special Report on Drought 2021 explores the systemic nature of drought and its impacts on the achievement of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the SDGs and human and ecosystems health and wellbeing.

Probabilistic tsunami hazard and exposure assessment for the Pacific Islands – Fiji
This paper presents the results of a tsunami exposure assessment of the population, assets and critical infrastructure vulnerable to tsunami inundation from Tonga-Kermadec and South New Hebrides tsunami sources.

Willingness-to-pay for hazard safety – A case study on the valuation of flood risk reduction in Germany
This paper focuses on the willingness-to-pay (WTP) for public investments in safety measures, in particular for reducing the risk of natural flood hazard. The study uses the method of contingent valuation to collect individual data from a nationwide sample of German households.

UNEP: Becoming #GenerationRestoration: ecosystem restoration for people, nature and climate
This report makes the case for why nature-based solutions, such as environmental restoration in particular, is so important and outlines how the UN Decade can catalyse a movement to restore the world’s ecosystems.

UNEP – A practical guide to climate-resilient buildings & communities
This practical guide demonstrates how buildings and community spaces can be constructed to increase their resilience to climate change, especially in developing countries where structures are largely self-built. The publication provides an overview of the fundamental types of interventions at the building scale, including the use of nature-based solutions.

Asian Development Bank: Creating liveable Asian cities
This book makes the case for five priorities to create liveable and resilient cities and realize a sustainable urban future in Asia: Smart and inclusive planning; sustainable transport; sustainable energy; sustainable finance; and resilience and rejuvenation.

23-27 August – World Water Week
World Water Week is the leading conference on global water issues and in 2021 it will be held as a digital event 23-27 August. The Week attracts participants from more than 130 countries and with many different professional backgrounds. It offers an unusual mix of participants and perspectives, with sessions on a broad array of water-related topics, ranging from food security and health, to agriculture, technology, biodiversity, and the climate crisis.

2-3 September – 2021 Aotearoa SDG Summit Series
Collaborating, connecting, and working together has never been more important than right now. SDG Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals, is our collective way forward. Join us for the next part in the 2020-2021 Aotearoa/New Zealand SDG Summit Series and see how by working together, we can create the world we want, and the world that we need.

6-9 September – 1st International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals
The 1st International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals will be held by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China, from September 6 to 8, 2021.

1 September – Space Health and Disaster Risk Reduction symposium
This symposium is an exploration of the interrelations between space health, disaster risk reduction and other related topics. The aim is to establish a consensus on the provision of healthcare by an interdisciplinary healthcare practitioner during a deep space mission to another planetary body, and how this practice can inform remote health systems on Earth.

August 6 – CONVERGE Collecting and Sharing Perishable Data Training Module: A Demonstration Webinar
This webinar will provide a demonstration of the recently released CONVERGE Collecting and Sharing Perishable Data Training Module. This module provides an overview of what perishable data is, how to ethically collect it, and why such data is vital for advancing hazards and disaster research.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: July 2021 Edition

Robots, drones and satellites: NSW to research new bushfire fighting technology
The NSW government will push to establish the state as a world leader in bushfire research eventually marketing new technology overseas, with close to $30 million set aside for the new project in next week’s budget.

Scientists warn of a bad year for fires in Brazil’s Amazon and wetlands
Dry weather this year raises the risk of severe fires in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest and Pantanal wetlands, scientists say, warning that a drought could fuel destruction of biomes critical to curbing climate change.

Indian Cities Prepare for Floods with Predictive Technology
The number and intensity of floods are increasing—they can inundate neighbourhoods in Chennai in just 15 minutes. New models can pinpoint and help warn vulnerable areas hours or even days in advance.

Small Satellites to Study Big Storms – NASA Prepares for the TROPICS Mission
In 2022 NASA is launching a constellation of six small satellites (smallsats) to improve our understanding of cyclones in the tropics. With a revisit time of 30 to 60 minutes between overpasses, the TROPICS mission will provide frequent observations of tropical storms as they form and strengthen, which will increase our understanding of the physical processes within storms and improve the accuracy of storm forecasts to better protect lives and property. 

Canterbury floods: Is climate change to blame for severe weather events?
Victoria University climate change expert James Renwick says it is too early to say whether the Canterbury floods were caused by climate change, but the event is exactly what we can expect more of.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation: Understanding Framework Roadblocks
On behalf of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), Tonkin + Taylor has undertaken an extensive analysis across 10 climate-vulnerable countries to identify potential roadblocks between climate change adaptation planning and disaster risk reduction (DRR) frameworks.

UNECE: Chief Statisticians bring statistics to the forefront of climate action
The heads of national statistical offices of 59 countries and 24 international organisations are gathered this week in Geneva and around the globe for the 69th plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians, the decision-making body for statistical matters in the UNECE region and beyond.

The UCL Warning Research Centre Opens at the IRDR 11th Annual Conference
A new research centre, the world’s only one devoted to the study of warnings, was formally launched at the UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction 11th Annual Conference. The Warning Research Centre brings together global expertise to explore the role of warnings in managing vulnerabilities, hazards, risks, and disasters. The focus is to prevent adverse disaster impacts through improved warnings

GAR Special Report on Drought 2021
The GAR Special Report on Drought 2021 explores the systemic nature of drought and its impacts on the achievement of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the SDGs and human and ecosystems health and wellbeing.

WHO: Indicator framework for the evaluation of the public health effectiveness of digital proximity tracing solutions
The overall objective of this indicator framework is to provide a set of indicators to guide national health authorities in the monitoring and evaluation of their digital proximity tracing solutions.

FAO – Indigenous Peoples’ food systems: Insights on sustainability and resilience from the front line of climate changes
This publication provides an overview of the common and unique sustainability elements of Indigenous Peoples’ food systems, in terms of natural resource management, access to the market, diet diversity, indigenous peoples’ governance systems, and links to traditional knowledge and indigenous languages.

UNEP: Becoming #GenerationRestoration: ecosystem restoration for people, nature and climate
This report makes the case for why nature-based solutions, such as environmental restoration in particular, is so important and outlines how the UN Decade can catalyse a movement to restore the world’s ecosystems.

Seeking shelter: the factors that influence refuge since Cyclone Gorky in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh
This paper provides an assessment of the factors associated with evacuation to cyclone shelters in coastal areas in Bangladesh over the past 30 years. It is based on the comparative study of Cyclone Amphan (2020) and three major historical cyclones: Gorky (1991), Sidr (2007) and Aila (2009).

6 July – Foreseeable Future – Seamless Integration of data to enhance climate and disaster risk reduction
Join us in this side event (track 2, block 1) as part of UN Climate Change’s Asia Pacific Climate Week 2021 with experts from the Asian Development Bank, Green Climate Fund, UNDRR, GIZ and Tonkin + Taylor in this free webinar.

9 July – High-level dialogue on the Partnership in Action on Science, Technology and Innovation for SDGs Roadmaps
The event will discuss the path forward for the Partnership in Action, following the successful inception of the Global Pilot Programme on Science, Technology, and Innovation for the SDGs roadmaps.

11 July-14 July -The Hazards and Disaster Workforce: Preparing to Meet 21st Century Challenges
Conversations at this year’s Workshop will centre around how the workforce we have can support and build the workforce we need. How does the size and composition of the hazards and disaster workforce shape the ability to respond to and recover from extreme events?

26-28 July – 2021 Pacific Resilience Meeting
The biennial Pacific Resilience Meeting (PRM) is a key component of the Pacific Resilience Partnership (PRP) governance arrangements endorsed by the Pacific Island Forum Leaders in 2017 to support the effective implementation of the Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific: An Integrated Approach to Climate Change and Disaster (FRDP) 2017 – 2030.

26-28 July – Pre-Summit of the UN Food Systems Summit
The Pre-Summit of the UN Food Systems Summit will set the stage for the culminating global event in September by bringing together diverse actors from around the world to leverage the power of food systems to deliver progress on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: June 2021 Edition

New NASA Earth System Observatory to Help Address, Mitigate Climate Change
NASA will design a new set of Earth-focused missions to provide key information to guide efforts related to climate change, disaster mitigation, fighting forest fires, and improving real-time agricultural processes. With the Earth System Observatory, each satellite will be uniquely designed to complement the others, working in tandem to create a 3D, holistic view of Earth, from bedrock to atmosphere.

Early warning initiative advances in a pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated impacts of extreme weather and climate change in vulnerable countries but also highlighted the need to build resilience against a multitude of hazards through better early warnings and risk information. This is one of the key messages of the 2020 Annual Report of the Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems Initiative (CREWS), a unique climate action programme that helps saves lives, livelihoods and assets in the world’s most vulnerable countries.

WMO: New climate predictions increase likelihood of temporarily reaching 1.5 °C in next 5 years
There is about a 40% chance of the annual average global temperature temporarily reaching 1.5°C above the pre-industrial level in at least one of the next five years – and these odds are increasing with time, according to a new climate update issued by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).

New international expert panel to address the emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases
A new One Health High-Level Expert Panel to improve understanding of how diseases with the potential to trigger pandemics, emerge and spread has been launched. The panel will advise four international organisations – the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO); the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE); the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

WMO joins Emergency Alerting Call to Action
The WMO has joined with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to issue a joint Call to Action to improve the availability and use of standardised emergency alerts.

The World Bank – Applying a gender lens to climate actions: why it matters
This brief explores the gender-specific effects of climate change and how inequality can exacerbate the impacts of climate-induced disasters. Gender inequalities, fueled by societal norms and defined gender roles, affect not only women’s exposure to hazards, but also limit their resilience and adaptive capabilities. Therefore, governments are urged to examine the impacts of climate change through a gender lens to address key barriers to gender-responsive climate actions, and increase the roles that women play in decision-making to close such vulnerability gaps.

British Ecological Society: Nature-based solutions for climate change in the UK
The main focus of this report is the joint role of nature-based solutions (NbS) for addressing the climate and biodiversity crises currently facing the UK. Nature-based solutions address societal problems in ways that benefit both people and nature.

WHO: Review of health in National Adaptation Plans
As part of the response to the threats posed by climate change across all sectors, the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process was established to build resilience to climate change across economies, societies and ecosystems over the medium and longer term.

The World Bank: Climate Change Institutional Assessment
The Climate Change Institutional Assessment (CCIA) identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the institutional framework for addressing these climate change governance challenges. The audience for the assessment is officials of centre-of-government agencies responsible for policy, planning, and finance, agencies with leading roles in climate change policy, and inter-ministerial climate change bodies.

Responsible artificial intelligence for disaster risk management: working group summary
This document is intended to help practitioners and project managers working in disaster risk ensure that the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) in particular, is done in a manner that is both effective and responsible. The content of this report was produced as part of a 6-month interdisciplinary collaboration between experts from intergovernmental organizations, non-profits, academia, and the private sector.

Parallel Session: Geospatial data for climate resilience and disaster risk reduction – June 22
Join this parallel session on Geospatial data for climate resilience and disaster risk reduction in the GEO Virtual Symposium 2021. We will discuss good practice, lessons learned on EO data and solutions for risk assessment, damage mapping and the development of plans.

UNECE: First Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Disaster-related Statistics – June 7-10
The importance of setting up mechanisms to ensure collaboration and coordination of work on disaster-related statistics across disciplines and organizations has been recognized on national and international level, including the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) and the Conference of European Statisticians (CES). The first Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Disaster-related Statistics will take place as an online meeting on 7, 8 and 10 June 2021

The Integrated Research on Disaster Risk 2021 International Conference – June 8-10
The overall purpose of the 2021 Conference is to reach a renewed consensus on the mission of STEI and put forward a novel proposal on the Global Research Agenda for disaster risk reduction and risk-informed development toward 2030 and beyond.

UN Food Systems Summit: Science Days – July 8-9
Recognising the pivotal role of science, technology and innovation for food systems transformation, the Science Days, organized by the Scientific Group of the UN Food Systems Summit and facilitated and hosted by FAO, offer an important opportunity to support the agenda setting process with scientific evidence and perspectives.

Data for Policy Conference 2021 – Sept 14-16
The sixth International Data for Policy Conference will take place in London on September 14-16, 2021. The Data for Policy conference series is the premier global forum for multiple disciplinary and cross-sector discussions around the theories, applications and implications of data science innovation in governance and the public sector.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: May 2021 Edition

UNDRR: COVID-19 recovery is an opportunity for gender equality
UNDRR head, Ms. Mami Mizutori, underlines the need to put women’s resilience at the heart of the pandemic recovery which should be grasped as an opportunity “to promote women’s leadership and achieve gender equality.”

UNHCR: Data visualisation reveals impacts of climate change on displacement
The UN Refugee Agency, has released a new data visualisation ‘Displaced on the frontlines of climate change’ that shows how the climate emergency is converging with other threats to drive new displacement and increase the vulnerability of those already forced to flee.

Updated Global Disaster Alert to allow faster humanitarian and relief response
European Commission’ Joint Research Centre launches during the 2021 Humanitarian Network and Partnership Week a new version of the Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS) platform, which covers alerts for wildfires and features new tools for social media monitoring and satellite mapping of areas in distress and in need of immediate humanitarian intervention.

WMO: 2021 is “make or break year” for Climate Action
2021 must be the year for climate action – “the make it or break it year,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres at the launch of WMO’s report on the State of the Global Climate 2020 which highlighted accelerating climate change indicators and worsening impacts.

U.S. Dept of State: Launching agriculture innovation mission for climate
At President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate on April 23, 2021, the United States and United Arab Emirates, with endorsement from the United Kingdom’s COP 26 Presidency, and with support from Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Israel, Singapore, and Uruguay, announced plans to launch the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate).

FEMA: The National Risk Index
The National Risk Index (The Index) is an online tool to help illustrate the USA’s communities most at risk of natural hazards. It is made possible through a collaboration between FEMA and dozens of partners in academia; local, state and federal government; and private industry.

Launch of the Atlas of Demography
On 29 April 2021,  the first edition of the EU Atlas of Demography was launched in a panel discussion with the President of the Committee of the Regions Apostolos Tzitzikostas and the Portuguese Minister of State for the Presidency Mariana Vieira da Silva.

WHO: Spending on health in Europe: entering a new era
This report analyses health spending in 53 countries in the WHO European Region from 2000 to 2018 (the latest year for which internationally comparable data are available). It reviews key patterns and trends in health spending over time and across countries.

UNDP: Agriculture guide for recovery implementation
The guide describes the role of agriculture in a country’s development and the potential impact that natural disasters can have on the sector. It recommends the types of agriculture interventions to be implemented in the short-, medium- and long-term stages of recovery and reconstruction taking into consideration DRR and BBB aspects.

WMO: Future of weather and climate forecasting
This White Paper on the Future of Weather and Climate Forecasting is a collective endeavour of more than 30 lead scientists and experts to analyse trends, challenges and opportunities in a very dynamic environment. The main purpose of the paper is to set directions and recommendations for scheduled progress, avoiding potential disruptions and leveraging opportunities through public-private engagement over the coming decade.

First report of the WMO COVID-19 task team: Review on meteorological and air quality factors affecting the COVID-19 pandemic
This First Report of the WMO Research Board COVID-19 Task Team, provides an assessment of the state of knowledge of meteorological and air quality (MAQ) factors influencing the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report critically appraises peer reviewed studies on the role of MAQ factors (Temperature, Humidity, Solar radiation, Air Quality, etc.) on the spatial and temporal variability of COVID-19 incidence and severity across climate zones, including clear interrogation of uncertainties.

21-23 June (Virtual) – FAIR Festival 2021
The FAIR Festival 2021 will feature plenary sessions, provide an open space to continue ongoing discussions as well as allow a collaborative “Deep Dive” into crisp sessions where FAIR practices on GO BUILD – GO TRAIN – GO CHANGE will be presented by Implementation Networks.

Data for Policy Conference 2021 – Sept 14-16
The sixth International Data for Policy Conference will take place in London on September 14-16, 2021. The Data for Policy conference series is the premier global forum for multiple disciplinary and cross-sector discussions around the theories, applications and implications of data science innovation in governance and the public sector.

Call for Proposals: GEO “Open EO” track at FOSS4G – Deadline May 4
GEO is supporting FOSS4G with a 3-day dedicated track on “Open EO”. The interactive sessions, lightning talks and workshops will highlight how open EO and related innovations contribute to and support the GEO engagement priorities, focusing on the following topics: Climate Action, Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Development and Urban Resilience.

June 15-16 – 58th ESReDA Seminar – Using Knowledge to Manage Risks and Threats: Practices and Challenges
The 58th ESReDA seminar will be a forum for participants to discuss theories, concepts, and experiences of enhancing the use of knowledge for better risk management and governance. This seminar will bring together researchers, practitioners, specialists, and decision-makers to discuss strategies and practical experiences

Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks 2021
The largest event of its kind: the 7th edition of the HNPW will once again gather experts and humanitarian professionals from more than 40 participating networks and partnerships

Motivating Local Action to Address Climate Impacts and Build Resilience
This Workshop is for the Committee on Applied Research for Hazard Mitigation and Resilience to gather data for their first consensus report on the theme “Incorporating Future Climate Conditions into Local Actions”. The Workshop will feature four, 1-hour panels consisting of academics, community organizers, and industry experts on this topic.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: April 2021 Edition

An early warning system could save global supply chain crisis
‘An industry’s supply chain is several miles long, but only an eighth of an inch deep’. Given the widespread strain a year ago regarding shortages, the global trading system has, in many ways, held up remarkably well during the pandemic. However, how resilient are our supply chains?”

Biden targets big offshore wind power expansion to fight climate change
The Biden administration on Monday unveiled a goal to expand the nation’s fledgling offshore wind energy industry in the coming decade by opening new areas to development, accelerating permits, and boosting public financing for projects.

‘Wilful ignorance’: Flood-hit Australia urged to rethink climate adaptation
As climate change impacts worsen, Australia’s population is exposed to more severe floods, droughts and bushfires, while action to protect people and their homes lags.

The science of tsunamis and what parts of New Zealand are most at risk
A tsunami warning was issued after an 8.1 earthquake struck near the Kermadec Islands in March – hours after a 7.4 quake near the Kermadecs and a 7.1 off the North Island coast of New Zealand.

UK Govt: Innovative projects to protect against flooding selected
Apps alerting residents to flooding, permeable road surfaces to improve drainage and schemes to protect vital sand dune beaches are among 25 new flooding and coastal resilience projects across England awarded funding today.

WMO: New water and climate coalition launched
A new Water and Climate Change coalition has been launched to achieve more effective integrated policy-making in an era when climate change, environmental degradation and population growth has exacerbated water-related hazards and scarcity.

Science for Disaster Risk Management 2020
The Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre has produced the “Science for disaster risk management 2020: acting today, protecting tomorrow”, the second of its series. The report represents a collaborative effort of more than 300 experts on disaster risk, coming from different sectors and disciplines, that worked for more than 2 years together to present the consequences of disasters on various assets at risk

The United Nations world water development report 2021: valuing water
This report groups current methodologies and approaches to the valuation of water into five interrelated perspectives.

Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF)
The Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) provides a basis and guide for developing, integrating, strengthening and maximizing geospatial information management and related resources in all countries. It will assist countries in bridging the geospatial digital divide, secure socio-economic prosperity, and to leave no one behind.

First report of the WMO COVID-19 task team: Review on meteorological and air quality factors affecting the COVID-19 pandemic
This First Report of the WMO Research Board COVID-19 Task Team, provides an assessment of the state of knowledge of meteorological and air quality (MAQ) factors influencing the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Looking back at a year that changed the world: WHO’s response to COVID-19
This report reflects on WHO’s role at the centre of a global response that has unfolded on a scale that dwarfs any single organisation.

Looking back at a year that changed the world: WHO’s response to COVID-19
The report identifies the shifts needed to close gaps between current actions and those needed to achieve sustainable development. The analysis is anchored in current economic, social and ecological reality and framed by economics and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Universities’ Preparedness and Response towards Multi-Hazards: COVID-19, Natural, and Human-Induced Hazards
This publication collects the efforts made by universities in the response and preparedness toward the COVID-19 pandemic as well as other hazards such as earthquakes, fires, and anthropogenic hazards. This compilation includes 26 case studies from 13 countries. It aims to keep a record of what happened and success and failures to learn from the experience and prepare for the next hazardous events.

21-23 June (Virtual) – FAIR Festival 2021
The FAIR Festival 2021 will feature plenary sessions, provide an open space to continue ongoing discussions as well as allow a collaborative “Deep Dive” into crisp sessions where FAIR practices on GO BUILD – GO TRAIN – GO CHANGE will be presented by Implementation Networks.

Data for Policy Conference 2021 – Sept 14-16
The sixth International Data for Policy Conference will take place in London on September 14-16, 2021. The Data for Policy conference series is the premier global forum for multiple disciplinary and cross-sector discussions around the theories, applications and implications of data science innovation in governance and the public sector.

EGU21: Gather Online – 19–30 April 2021
The EGU General Assembly 2021 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. The EGU is looking forward to cordially welcoming you at its General Assembly.

International Data Week’s SciDataCon 2021: Data to Improve our World –  Deadline for proposals – 30 April
Proposals are invited for sessions at International Data Week’s SciDataCon 2021: Data to Improve our World. The deadline for proposals is 23:59 UTC on 30 April 2021.

Open Science for a Global Transformation: Call for Papers for a Special Collection in Data Science Journal
To encourage further discussion around the issues addressed in ‘Open Science for a Global Transformation’ and the draft Recommendation on Open Science, CODATA invites the global research data community to share their views, critiques, and positions in an open discussion prompted by the draft recommendation and the CODATA-coordinated document.

UNDRR: Online Capacity Development Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies and Digital Governance for Local Resilience – Online – 6 April-13 April
This training will provide concepts, tools, and approaches for implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 at the local level. It will also provide guidance for digital government for disaster risk reduction and resilience.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: March 2021 Edition

UNOCHA: Why the climate crisis is a humanitarian emergency
The unfolding climate emergency is adding an additional layer of stress to humanitarian organisations that are already stretched thinner than ever before.

Texas Blackouts Point to Coast-to-Coast Crises Waiting to Happen
Continent-spanning storms triggered blackouts in Oklahoma and Mississippi, halted one-third of U.S. oil production and disrupted vaccinations in 20 states.

Smart weather app helps Kenya’s herders brace for drought
As climate change brings more weather extremes, access to village-level drought updates and advice via smartphones is helping under-pressure pastoralists cope.

WMO: Artificial intelligence can boost disaster management
The World Meteorological Organization is participating in a new interdisciplinary Focus Group to contend with the increasing prevalence and severity of natural hazards with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).

Drier European summers projected under climate change
A new study projects that summers across the continent will become drier for most of Europe through the century. Furthermore, human-induced climate change is expected to increase the frequency of extremely dry conditions across all of Europe.

UNEP: Making Peace With Nature – A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies
This report identifies the shifts needed to close gaps between current actions and those needed to achieve sustainable development. The analysis is anchored in current economic, social and ecological reality and framed by economics and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Heat and health in the WHO European Region: updated evidence for effective prevention
This publication collates and summarises the most relevant evidence published since 2008, focusing primarily on Member States in the WHO European Region. Findings are organised around the elements the original guidance document identified as “core” to a comprehensive heat–health action plan (HHAP), and these are complemented in each chapter with the results of a WHO survey of heat–health action planning in 2019, where relevant to the topic covered.

UNEP: The climate risk landscape – Mapping climate-related financial risk assessment methodologies
The report ‘The Climate Risk Landscape: Mapping Climate-related Financial Risk Assessment Methodologies’ provides a summary of the key developments across third party climate risk assessment providers since May 2019, including new and updated scenarios, methodological tools, key guidelines, as well as an overview of the changing regulatory landscape and potential developments into 2021.

WHO guidance for climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities
The aim of this guidance is to enhance the capacity of health care facilities to protect and improve the health of their target communities in an unstable and changing climate; and to empower health care facilities to be environmentally sustainable, by optimizing the use of resources and minimizing the release of waste into the environment.

21-23 June (Virtual) – FAIR Festival 2021
The FAIR Festival 2021 will feature plenary sessions, provide an open space to continue ongoing discussions as well as allow a collaborative “Deep Dive” into crisp sessions where FAIR practices on GO BUILD – GO TRAIN – GO CHANGE will be presented by Implementation Networks.

8 March – International Women’s Day: Women in leadership – achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world
This International Women’s Day, UNDRR’s Women’s International Network on Disaster Risk Reduction and UN Women’s Regional Office for Asia-Pacific will co-host a virtual event highlighting the need for women’s leadership in COVID-19 recovery, and recognising the women who have played an essential role in their country’s COVID-19 response.

22 March – GYA Satellite Panel: Trust in Climate Change
This GYA event brings together senior and early-career scientists to address trust in climate science, starting from the contributions of their diverse scientific disciplines..