Monthly Archives: January 2019

Blog Posts on the Springer Nature Data Dialogues from Participants in the CODATA-RDA Schools of Research Data Science

In 2018, the third year of activity, the CODATA-RDA Schools of Research Data Science expanded to five events, with foundational data training in Brisbane, Trieste, Kigali and São Paulo and advanced workshops in Trieste.

SpringerNature is a committed and generous supporter of this initiative and part of our collaboration is that participants in the schools have written blogs about their experiences which appear on the SpringerNature Data Dialogues.  Three of these blogs relating to the São Paulo school in December 2018 have recently appeared.  These are direct and transparent accounts from three student helpers involved in the São Paulo school.

One of the approaches used by the initiative is to arrange for particularly able and enthusiastic students to return as student helpers: this provides invaluable assistance with pedagogy, enhances the experience of the returning student, helps build the social and skilled network around the schools, and creates a community of future instructors and hosts as the initiative expands.

Introducing the CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science

CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School Trieste 2018.

We have often heard wise heads in the Open Science and FAIR movements say things like the following:

  • the major challenge is human rather than technical;
  • the size of the data challenge is measured in people rather than in PB…

These student helpers are part of that human solution.

Please follow the links below and enjoy!

An old dog learning new tricks

An old dog learning new tricks

Attending the CODATA-RDA School in 2017 as a student was a breakthrough moment for me.

Juliano van Melis

Opening my head to FAIR science

Opening my head to FAIR science

My participation in the CODATA-RDA schools really improved my view regarding what is to be a good scientist. Openness and FAIRness should constantly and consciously be applied as a golden rule. He…

Caroline Franco

In this blog I discuss the benefits/truth of joining the CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science. Taking part of the school both as a student and a helper allowed me to see how the school helped…

Jose Lopez

Workshop “Digital Humanities – the perspective of Africa”, 9-12 July 2019, Leiden, The Netherlands

Workshop “Digital Humanities -the perspective of Africa”-
Digital Humanities – the perspective of Africa is a satellite workshop of DH2019, the international ADHO conference for the Digital Humanities in Utrecht (9-12 July 2019).
Call for Applications
In 2019 the ADHO Digital Humanities conference will take place from 9-12 July in Utrecht, The Netherlands. In the week before DH2019, i.e. 1-5 July 2019, the Lorentz Center in Leiden (also The Netherlands) will host a satellite workshop aimed at the articulation of the specific developments in the field of DH that are taking shape in Africa and their potential to enhance the global DH agenda. In addition, attention will be given to capacity building and the planning of initiatives along the lines of ‘science4development’. The programme will include introductions into the infrastructural support for DH and the most widely used data analysis methods with the Humanities and Social Sciences.  
Who can apply
The workshop will welcome students and early-career scholars from the African continent for a week of lectures, tutorials, presentations, networking and debate. The selected participants are expected to attend DH2019 in Utrecht as well.
Travel bursaries
Grants to cover the costs for travel and accommodation during the Lorentz workshop and DH2019, plus the conference fee for DH2019 can be applied for.
How to apply
Applicants are expected to prepare/collect the following:
  • curriculum vitae, including contact details (max 1 page);
  • letter of motivation (700-1000 words);
  • letter of support from their supervisor (max 1 page);
  • statement on the estimated height of the financial contribution by the participant and/or their institute.

These four elements are to be submitted as one PDF-file.

In their motivation letter applicants should indicate:
  • their research interests and/or current planned research;
  • their digital skills and the DH competences they would like to develop and/or to improve during the workshop;
  • their earlier involvement in DH events (workshops, etc.) as a participant or otherwise. 
Details on how to submit an application can be found on the workshop website:
Important dates
Deadline for applications: 31 January 2019
Notification of acceptance: 13 February 2019
Submission of participants’ profiles: 1 June 2019
Workshop dates: 1-5 July 2019
DH2019 conference: 9-12 July
Links to relevant information pages
Check  for the selection criteria, venue and other details.
DH2019 – Homepage: