Yearly Archives: 2018

Research Data Management: Opportunity for continuing professional development in LIS at UCT

Occasional course in Research Data Management (24 credits)

The Library and Information Studies Centre at the University of Cape Town offers a master’s level course in Research Data Management that is ideal for persons and/or organisations seeking continuing professional development in this new skills areas.
Lifecycle Models | Data Management Planning | Policy Analysis & Development | Challenges to Data Curation
6 weeks, starting 21 September 2018
Closing date for application: 20 July 2018
Entry requirements: NQF level 8 (Honours or equivalent)
Blended online/contact format ideal for students based outside of Cape Town
To apply, visit (On application, apply for Occasional Postgraduate Studies: Level of Qualification: Postgrad Non- Degree; Faculty: Humanities)
Library and Information Studies Centre, University of Cape Town
email: or tel.: 021 650 4546

Register now! AfriGEOSS Week 2018

The AfriGEOSS Week 2018 will take place from 22 to 29 June 2018. The 3rd AfriGEOSS Symposium will be held during AfriGEOSS Week, from 26 to 28 June 2018 with some training sessions taking place beforehand.

The Symposium is hosted by the Agence Gabonaise d’Etudes et d’Observations Spatiales (AGEOS) and the theme is “Building smarter Earth observations to support sustainable development policies”.

The objectives include:

  • Engage with end users, particularly policy and decision makers, to understand information needs for evidence-based policy-making and raise awareness on the value of Earth observations in meeting those needs;
  • Showcase the use of Earth observations in implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and development policies at national and regional levels;
  • Reinforce dialogue on Earth observations priorities in Africa and promote or build synergies with ongoing and planned Earth observations initiatives at the national, regional and international levels – to draw linkages with the implementation of the African Space Policy according to development policies;
  • Strengthen regional and national thematic Earth observations coordination mechanisms to broaden African participation in the Group on Earth Observations and AfriGEOSS activities; and
  • Review the implementation of the 2017 AfriGEOSS Symposium outcomes and contributions, and establish a mechanism of Monitoring and Evaluation for the future.

For more information and registration visit the AfriGEOSS Week website or contact

Register Now: June 14 Symposium on Statistics and Data Science for a Cyber Secure Internet of Things

Statistics and Data Science for a Cyber Secure Internet of Things 

Rapid growth in the number of devices connected through the internet of things (IoT) poses major challenges to maintaining connectivity, functionality, and security, as demonstrated by prominent cyber attacks launched through IoT devices. Traditional approaches in cyber security such as firewalls and encryption aim to prevent malicious intrusion, however additional countermeasures and approaches are necessary to detect and respond to malicious behavior and to identify when devices or data are compromised.

The National Academies invite you to attend a symposium and webcast on Statistics and Data Science for a Cyber Secure Internet of Things on June 14, 2018 in Washington, DC. During the event, speakers will discuss the role of statistical models and theory for IoT and for detecting, overcoming, and neutralizing cyber attacks.

Date/Time: June 14, 2018 from 1-5 p.m. EDT
Location: Keck Center, Room 100
500 Fifth St. NW, Washington, DC 20001
Or via webcast
Register Now

e-AGE18: Call for Papers & Posters, Amman, Jordan, 2-3 December 2018

Under the Patronage of HE Professor Adel Tweissi, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
8th International Platform on Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment, e-AGE18

ASREN Publications The proceedings of the conference will be published at IEEE Xplore.

Call for Papers & Posters

Scientists, researchers and educators are invited to submit full papers reporting on their original and unpublished research in e-Infrastructures and computational and data-intensive sciences to be presented in this conference in special sessions and panels. Paper contributions are accepted in English and should not exceed 8000 words.
Each paper should include:
(1) Author(s) First name, Last name, Institution, Address, Fax, Email, and Short biography.
(2) Abstract with no more than 500 words and 7 keywords that refer to the paper’s key subjects.
All papers will be peer-reviewed by three reviewers for relevance and quality of research. Authors will need to submit their manuscripts in MS-Word/ PDF format, following IEEE template’s format for publishing purposes of the conference proceedings at IEEE Xplore. Authors of the accepted papers must guarantee that at least one of the authors will attend the conference and present the paper.
Detailed instructions about the submission process, including IEEE manuscript templates, are available on IEEE website:

Posters are also welcomed, for those interested, please send a summary in MS-Word format including title of the poster, name and affiliation of author(s) and a short abstract of maximum one page to:

An effective poster presentation is not just a standard research paper stuck to a board. It should summarize your work with graphs and images to tell the story and should use text more sparingly. Featuring a poster at e-AGE will serve as an excellent advertisement for your work, and can act as a great conversation starter with e-AGE participants.

Call for Presentations

Renowned speakers and experts are also invited to give presentations and participate in panel discussions on latest developments in e-Infrastructure services and application areas, various aspects of R&E networks, telecommunications technologies and the Internet, industry and research case studies of e-Infrastructure use, etc..

Call for Participation

Representatives from academia, research, industry, telecom organizations, NRENs, and governments are invited to participate in e-AGE18 to share experiences and exchange knowledge in a wide of topics relevant to e-Infrastructure and services.

Interested participants can register HERE.


English will be the event language; the opening ceremony will be in Arabic and English.

New OWSD Fellowship for Early Career Women Scientists – Call for Applications

OWSD is very pleased to inform you that the Call for Applications for our new fellowships for Early Career Women Scientists is now open, and would like to ask for your assistance in distributing this announcement.

This Fellowship is a prestigious award of up to USD 50,000, generously provided by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and is offered to women scientists from Science and Technology Lagging Countries (STLCs) who have completed their PhDs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects and are employed at an academic or scientific research institute in one of the eligible countries. ECWS fellows will be supported for two years to continue their research at an international level while based at their home institutes, to build up research groups that will attract international visitors, and to link with industry.

The fellowship provides funding for a wide range of expenses, including equipment, consumables, research visits, exchanges and programmes, teaching and assistance, information resources, product development and linking with industry, outreach, communications and networking, and other expenses. A full list of eligible expenses is available in the Call for Applications. Fellows will also take part in two training workshops on leadership and entrepreneurial skills.

The application must be submitted through our online system. The link to the online application will be available on the OWSD website by 30 June 2018. However, all details about the application and the required supporting documents are already available on our website. We recommend that applicants begin to prepare their project proposals and applications immediately.

The Call for Applications is available online at:

The deadline for completed online applications is 31 August 2018.

The official language for the application is English; all information about the programme will also be available in French shortly.

A short video about the fellowship and how it will benefit women scientists starting their careers can also be viewed here:, or on the OWSD website under the Call for Applications.

Please also find attached a poster which can be printed and posted. Again, we encourage you to share this opportunity with women scientists and others in your networks.

Questions about this fellowship can be sent to

For general enquiries about OWSD please write to


Humans of Data 24

“My story with data is funny. A year and half ago I didn’t know the term ‘big data’ exists. I couldn’t sleep one night in Cairo and I was reading online, and I found an article about big data. I had no idea what it was. So it was like, ‘This is interesting. I should be learning about this.’

So I was self-learning from scratch, so I think the passion started at the first sight. I’m so glad I didn’t sleep this night – because here I am studying data because of not sleeping!

I’m passionate about what we can do with data. It’s something very precious. It’s there and no one is using it so let’s use it. Because I have data, I can do things other people can’t. I’m still learning because data is complicated. But when you have them, data gives you power that other people don’t have.”

Enriching my Learning by Helping Others at the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Schools

Sara El Jadid has been a student then a helper at the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Schools #DataTrieste and #DataSaoPaulo.  She has recently blogged about her experience on the Springer Nature Research Data Blog.
The CODATA-RDA School for Research Data Science is a valuable and very instructive initiative. The main goal is to provide foundational research data skills to early career researchers, prioritizing those from lower and middle income countries, but not excluding students from other parts of the world. …
I consider the experience gained by being involved with the CODATA-RDA Schools for Research Data Science as a very important and helpful step in my career as a young researcher. I am enrolling in a PhD in Bioinformatics – a contemporary and interdisciplinary field  that needs strong skills in “research data science”. It’s also a field where you have to interact with researchers and scientists from diverse area: biology, statistics, chemistry, physics, informatics to mention a few.

My Journey Towards Open Science and the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Schools

Marcela Alfaro Córdoba @Fichulina has been a student then a helper at the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Schools #DataTrieste and #DataSaoPaulo.  She has recently blogged about her experience on the Springer Nature Research Data Blog.

CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Schools changed my career, making me a more responsible researcher but also an Open Science ambassador for the Central American area. I now aspire to be a young researcher that can teach Open and Data Science principles through my job at the University of Costa Rica and through the CODATA-RDA Schools, as well as also serve as a mentor for other people that want to learn how to practice Open Science.