Monthly Archives: December 2015

CODATA TG Anthropometry and Special Populations activities at AHFE 2015

AHFE_2015Anthropometry is the science of measuring body dimensions, and has evolved over the last decades from taking linear measures to 3D data capture and processing.

The objective of the CODATA Task Group on Anthropometric Data and Engineering (the previous incarnation of the current TG) was to
promote dissemination and development of knowledge in anthropometry to contribute to the improvement of health, the safety and of the well being of all people. A major achievement of that TG to this end was to assist the establishment of WEAR (the World Engineering Anthropometry Resource) project.

The 2015 Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) Conference in Las Vegas, USA was
held under the auspices of 25 distinguished international Boards consisting of 583 members from 43 countries. The conference included 223 parallel sessions, with 2988 submissions from
researchers in 64 countries, working in academia, industry and government. There were 1420
paper presentations and 185 posters included in the conference proceedings. AHFE 2015 was
attended by over 1500 participants.

anthropometrics_banner_conference updatedThe CODATA Task Group on Anthropometry, Fit and Accommodation for Special Populations met in
conjunction with this conference and discussed the following issues:

In addition, presentations were given by:
Dr. Chang Shu, ‘Data processing and analysis for the 2012 Canadian Forces 3D anthropometric survey’.

This paper has been published in the HFES proceedings as Chang Shua, Pengcheng Xia, Allan Keefe, ‘Data processing and analysis for the 2012 Canadian Forces 3D anthropometric survey’, Procedia Manufacturing (6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the Affiliated Conferences, AHFE 2015):

Kathleen Robinette & Daisy Veitch
Chairs of the CODATA Task Group on Anthropometric Data and Engineeringkathleen_robinette_daisy_veitch